Back ache


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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Ouch ouch ouch....


I'm in so much pain with my back, it's like at the top near my shoulder blades and it feels like my boobs have grown and my bra got a bit tight, but i un-did it and the pain is still there. The only comfy position to get rid of the pain is to bend over the sofa, sorry to sound rude lol, but i'm not doing that all night :( I Asked my boyfriend to massage my back, so he did, coz it usually gets rid of the pain but it's still bloody here!!!

Could it be anything to do with the baby beight high up pretty much in my ribs? :? I know she's breech anyway, so is there anything I can do to make her move to give my back a break? :wall: :wall: :wall:
Perhaps she is leaning on a nerve. Have you tried sitting on a gym ball? baby is also meant to change position if you kneel down and and put your hands flat on the floor with your back flat. Hope you know what I mean!
i get back ache went i walk now :( my dad says ive got the pregnancy waddle! lol
i have the waddle too i walk one way my belly goes the other haha... lol

i asked my sister today weather she had the same pain, and she said yes, because my baby is practicly under my ribs, and just being pregnant in general, all my organs are squished up under my ribs so my upper back is bound to hurt :wall: it would help me a little if she would just go head down, i prefer a kick in the ribs rather than constant back ache! :wall: Hurry up and cook, little one!
this might make you feel better, i have this pain,but not just on occasions, all the time :x deep heat rub may soothe it a tad, you may have knots though, if it dosnt settle go for a pregnancy massage and they should be able to rub out any knots (its when you get muscle mass all clog up together by the side of you're spine, its caused by stress and overworking) Take it easy and try kneeling on all fours to take all the pressure from you're back for abit everyday, also lie on your back on a hard floor bend your knees and lift up the lower part of your back repeatadly, this is mostly for the bottom of youre back but it also helps the top as it works up the spine.

I have suffered bad back since i was about 10 now, it runs in the family, and been pg is just making it 10 times worse :(

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