Baby isn't moving often


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Sorry for the downer but the last couple of days my baby hasn't been very active at all compared to previously and I can't help but worry. I keep waking up on my stomache and I'm scared I've squashed her! She is moving but the movements are mainly down low and not too strong like when you first start to feel your LO. I did have one big kick this morning while I was half asleep so I know she's still there but why would she be suddenly not moving as much? Could she have turned into a different position? I have even rang my midwife but she isn't there today and her replacement says she doesn't speak english. Please can someone reassure me? Budge has this ever happened in your pregnancys?
dont worry to much hun ... as long as you are getting some movements, remember baby might have turned round and be kicking you in the back.

try drinking so ice cold water etc or eating some foods that normally gets baby going!!

Everyone has these worries in there pregnancy!! :hug: :hug:

Keely xxx
my baby has started getting into a routine of moving now so most of the day i feel nothing :|
Thanks Keely, I have tried the eating and drinking but she only moves a little. Even David Brent's voice from the Office only stirred her and she normally goes mad when he's on :(
have you tried a quick load noise? like a whisle or something???
Its wierd isn't it Hev. I stayed up really late last night because I have been really busy during the day and usually she is very lively at night but she still wasn't as hyper as normal. I might have an ice lolly and a lie down later. I have tried to cut out chocolate and this usually makes her move loads so perhaps I have an excuse for a chunky kitkat, mmm yeah with caramel :D
You will think I'm really paranoid now, you see she does move but she just isn't kicking hard so I guess I should chill out! My dogs bark sometimes makes her jump but she's also having a lazy day :lol:
maybe she has moved into a position where she just doesnt have the room. My last one was like that, very tricky to record her movements whereas this one moves a lot for its size, its huge and yet is in a position where it can do allsorts.

Can you call another midwifes office or could you even call a british number. Its scary when you cant get someone to understand.
Hi everyone and thanks for your help! I have spoken to an english speaking midwife and she was lovely! She told me at 24 weeks you don't normally feel regular movements and I have been lucky to feel so much! She told me to lay down and drink 3-5 glasses of ice cold water and prod my stomache and she should definitely wake up! I can call back if I'm still worried. I feel better so thanks :D
Yeah I say chill out, drink lotsa water and have a few choccie bars hun. Sure it will do you the world of good.

:rotfl: At baby loving David Brent!! I love the office xx
JaidyBaby said:
Yeah I say chill out, drink lotsa water and have a few choccie bars hun. Sure it will do you the world of good.

:rotfl: At baby loving David Brent!! I love the office xx

My DH came and laid down with me and said to my bump "I'm you daddy not David Brent" and she gave us a couple of reassuring kicks :lol:
Thanks Keely! I have been on a bit of a downer as we have just moved and I am always so stressed and busy. That makes sense actually, I'm really glad I read that :D

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