Baby colds


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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What do you do to help them? I'm starting to loose my mind today! All he does is scream and can't be put down, calpol does nothing, I've been to docs to check it's nothing more serious but it's heart breaking seeing him suffering, plus he's not feeding much so I'm starting to worry about that too and that my milk might dry up. Not sure what else to do my daughter never got a cold this little.
Think Grace may have a cold too, just been woken to screaming! Checked on her and when she's sneezing all mucus is coming out her nose which is freaking her out :(
I've managed to get her off by letting her sleep on me while I'll try and snooze on the reclining chair, she's gone off without a feed which is unusual.
Can you express when he's not interested so it at least keeps your supply up? I'm just going to try keep her sleeping as much as possible as I don't know what else we can do, if that means I'm sleeping in a chair for a few days to keep her upright abit then so be it lol
Have you tried nasal drops hunny and you can use olbus oil for children now LO is 3 months, 4 drops on a tissue in the room works brilliantly, been doing this with Lexi at night as it looks like she has yet another cold. Hope your LO's are better soon x x
Thanks. Such a shame for them. I got one of those calpol diffuser things which has helped at night and I've found the calprofen works much better with his temperature. Not tried the nasal drops as he's coughing and crying more than anything. Think it might be an ear infection too as I woke up today to find his ear had leaked loads of wax everywhere and he screams when you touch his ear, back to the doctors tomorrow I think as he doesn't seem to be improving
Poor little man hope he gets better soon :( x x
Saline drops work well to flush the snot out and if your baby is 12 weeks you can use snufflebabe, it's like vicks but it's for babies, my little one had a cold at 3 weeks old and I could only use the drops but they really helped before feeding and he used to find it hard to breath xx

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