Aw.... the end of Grange Hill

used to watch this show avidly. i think they should show repeats on UK gold.

Tucker, Trish, Alan, etc.
I heard this a while ago and saw it on TV the other day. I take it thats the last series?

I loved it when I was little
Tucker, Trish, Alan ... lol...those were the days!

I used to love Grange Hill.

Zammo went on to work in a key-cutting shop in Soho which was about 20 steps from my old office. We used to go and get keys cut just to see him!
Zammo was on a reunion show wasnt he.

Melissa Wilkes, who played his girlfriend Jackie, went to my school, Central Foundation, in London. She was a year older than me but she was so badly bullied by jealous girls that she left. i think that she also used to be in a show called Saturday Banana.

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