

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2008
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Hi Tina,

So sorry to read your devastating news.

Will be thinking about you today and hoping the Erne take good care of you.

Hopefully you are in a practical frame of mind this morning, prepared to tackle what needs to be done.

And that you feel at least physically well soon.

Best wishes,
Julie xxxx

Emma Mary 18 wk miscarriage 02.05.08 Always Missed
i only just found the thread with my name on it.. i have not been on the computer as often now just trying to get back into working alot to keep my mind busy it has helped. the hospital looked after me well and although it took me a long time to wake up after and my blood pressure was very very low i soon got out of there with lots of bruises on me (from needles and drips) but i got home that night (friday) and was back at work on the monday...stupid i know but i just had to get back into the work as i have said. everyone there are trying not to talk bout it all and that is good in a way but in another way it isnt cause they are avoiding me a little but it not to bad now...but i do have one question...i had dnc on the friday and by the sat my bleeding was completely stopped, now every other day i have spotting nothing bad very little ...i did not have that with my last m/c at all it was like a period full stop...i am thinking that i am too old to have a baby now cause the dr told me that my eggs are too old and that is why i keep having m.c's ...i will be 38 in i dont think i will be trying anymore, i cant put myself through that again i dont want to hurt anymore that way, but i really dont know what to think bout the dr and what he said but i have read a bit and what i did read was what he said as well that the older you get the less the eggs are good..

thank you all for your help and prayers and thank you for thinking bout me.

hope you all are well and going strong with your beans/babies

take care i will pop in from time to time to see how you all are getting along

thanks again

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