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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2008
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The Bedtime Blanket Iggle Piggle toy?

I bought this today as i was surprised no one bought her anything ITNG for christmas. I felt it was too good a bargain to pass! It was intended for her Birthday but as soon as i got home OH had it straight out the package.
He switched from demo mode to normal and pressed the foot as you should. But when you take the blanket off as it asks, nothing happens.
Is it broken? It does all the different modes, just the hand thing doesn't work!
LisaJ1986 said:
The Bedtime Blanket Iggle Piggle toy?

I bought this today as i was surprised no one bought her anything ITNG for christmas. I felt it was too good a bargain to pass! It was intended for her Birthday but as soon as i got home OH had it straight out the package.
He switched from demo mode to normal and pressed the foot as you should. But when you take the blanket off as it asks, nothing happens.
Is it broken? It does all the different modes, just the hand thing doesn't work!

I was playing with one in the shop Lisa and it did make a noise or play a tune, can't remember which, when I took the blanket off and then another when I put it back on again. I'm tempted to get one too. For Becky, not me, honest :lol:
Yeah, Angel was happy with the tag off the packaging! I was playing with the toy! Although OH told me off for not getting a girl one, which i didn't think you could get???

Would they take it back though? The box ripped as we took it out.
Yeah if it's faulty they have to give you a replacement regardless. Who cares if Iggle Piggle is blue, he's Iggle Piggle! :lol: :lol:
Think i might then. Coz as i take the blanket off he doesn't say anything, whereas i'm sure he's supposed to react to it as i think there's a sensor in the hand. Will get OH to come with me! Lol
there's a few settings on the botton of his foot, if it's on demo then it acts odd :rotfl:
We changed it. All last night it just didn't work!
This morning however it did! :?
DD got one of these for xmas and the hands do move.
This afternoon it won't work! It's annoying. But i doubt she'll notice!
I bought one for ryan and i have trouble with that as well!! I remove the blanket and it either does nothing or keeps saying remove the blanket even tho i already have :?
sounds to me girls as if this toy is "Adult proof" - only kids can make it work!!! :rotfl:


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