Anyone else scared of flying??

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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I HATE flying-it terrifies me..I panic and end up bawling and making a show of myself :oops:

Havent flown for last 5 years now as it got too bad-had flown to New York, Mexico, Canaries, Greece etc before then but now I cant bear the thought of it..

We have just booked a week in Jersey in May, OHs sis is getting married there, am so excited about going-we are all staying in luxury self catering mews houses on the beach so it will be gorgeous but I am already worrying about the flight-especally as its the first time with Ruby..I dont want to scare her with my antics :roll:

Any advice??xxxx
Valium :rotfl:

Go to boots and buy some kalms hun, they really do work. Start taking them a couple of days before hand it should help you loads.

Flying with little ones really doesnt have to be hard, make a big deal out of it for Ruby, turn into a big adventure and before you know it her excitement will help you feel better too.

Oh Mel, she s SO excited now, she loves "airplane" as she calls them she points up to the sky when she sees one...

She keeps saying "Ruby airplane?" and we say "Yes sweetheart, Ruby going on an aeroplane"..she grins like a looney :lol:

OHs mum, dad, sis (bride to be) and her fiancee, and their friends are coming with us, and they have said they will keep Ruby amused so I dont have to worry..

Its only 75 mins flight, so I will get through it..although my last flight was Dublin on a hen weekend and at 32,000ft I was telling the air hostess I HAD to get off NOW, whilst clucthing her hands as she sat in the walkway trying to calm me down :oops: :oops:

I so have to get my s**t together, I couldnt bear for her to be scared because of me, I dont want to let her down :(
im freaked out by aeroplanes/flying which is quite funny since ive never been on one ( dont plan on doing so). the thought of being so high up just makes me start shaking!
Me Zoe. I am TERRIFIED of flying. I've flown so much over the years but in the past five years or so, my fear has just become completely irrational and overwhelming. I just don't want to fly anywhere now.
Last time I flew (when I was about 3 months pregnant with Tom) I listened to hypnotherapy CDs on my Ipod. I listened to them every night for about 3 weeks before the flight. They REALLY REALLY helped. I had the best flight I'd had in years. UNFORTUNATELY though, we went to visit my brother in Boston and the terrorist alert on transatlantic flights happened whilst we were there so I had one of the worst flights back ever.
Still, I would really recommend hypno CDs especially if you can commit to listening to them for a while before going.
Also try this website. It's run by an ex-pilot who has also written a book which is really good.
Here's the link for the book... ... 865&sr=8-1

And here's his website. It has a good forum and it really helped me to read loads of this site before flying...

If you can prepare as much as possible in advance, it will make a difference. Ask your OH to take charge of Ruby so you can focus on relaxation techniques and stuff. TRY, TRY, TRY not to let Rubes know you're scared because I know I inherited my fear of flying from Dad who was always so scared of flying when we were kids that we had to drive everywhere.

Lxxxx :hug:
Hiya hun I am TERRIFIED of flying. Absolutely hate everything about it. I was dreading going away with James for the first time exactly the same as you. However, I opted to have him on my knee for take off and landing and i was that busy entertaining him and giving him his bottle etc etc that it actually helped me and the fact he was so calm helped me too.

I was amazed how much better it was with him tbh. I used him as a distraction tool and it really worked!
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
You guys are the best :hug:

Luce-as you say its totally irrational and overwhelming..I cant even describe how much I dislike the whole experience..OH just doesnt understand it at all and gets so mad at me during the flight :(

I tried hypnotherapy CD when I was PG with Rubes-I as terrified of giving birth too (I am such a wuss huh?) and I swear it helped me-the second I went into the labour ward I was calm beyond belief and it was fantastic!

Thanks for the links, OH is getting me the book and I will look into the CDs too, nd Mel I will try Kalms..washed down with a large vodka at the airport :wink: xxxx
Go and see your GP too to find out if you have any phobia groups in your area. They do amazing work with people, you might have to pay but think about the value if being able to take Ruby on hoilday without the panic before hand.
i am terrified too, we went away in june to turkey ( 4 hr flight) i dreaded the hol for months! i went to my doc & got some valium (diazepam) i also had a drink on ther plane (alcoholic, not remommended with valium though!) i think this must have helped, i sat on my own away from the kids & hubby had louie on his lap.
i had my head in my lap most of the flight, but at least i went :cheer: :cheer:
Zoe, I think I've got a Paul McKenna CD knocking about that I could try and copy for you if that's any help?
Im really scared of flying, and I blub too :oops: I have found flying so much easier with the LO's for some reason. Maybe cos I have to keep myself together to look after them? Until last year when we flew with Charlie I always had sedatives, and last year was the first year with out. It was my coping stratagie!

I did hypnotherapy, and you will only need a single session for fear of flying, why not give it a go? Then continue with your hypnosis cd when your at home.
LucyBee said:
Zoe, I think I've got a Paul McKenna CD knocking about that I could try and copy for you if that's any help?

That would be fab if you dont mind?xx :hug:
LucyBee said:
Zoe, I think I've got a Paul McKenna CD knocking about that I could try and copy for you if that's any help?

That would be fab if you dont mind?xx :hug:
Course Zoe, no problemo.
PM me your address or send it to me on Facebook and I'll bung it in the post.
Look into my eyes, not around the eyes but in the will have a good flight....Back in the room!
I'm scared of flying too hun and the slightest bit of turbulence has me shouting 'whats wrong with the plane' :oops: Best of it is, I joined the AIR force and had to go up in planes loads :lol: I am better than I used to be though and have just got back from Majorca. Thankfully, Maddison was screaming so much on flight that I didnt have time to think about my own fear :wink:

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