Anyone else baffled by TTC talk?


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2013
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Ello ello night owls I know it's getting late!

I've been having a good look around on the TTC parts and am pretty confuzzled by how technical getting pregnant get be! In my own nerdy way I'm enjoying studying the sciencey stuff surrounding TTC. But I've had to go off and google a lot of the abbreviated things people are chatting about.... cd's?, ovulation numbers? temps, smeps, etc, etc....ehhh??

I missed all this when I fell pregnant last time as it happen so quickly and when I saw the 'I'm ready let's go' sketches in films it always made me cringe to be honest (unsexy) . In a bizzarre twist though, I am now finding it all quite interesting and can't wait to join the band wagon! (although I think I'd rather have the technical chats with you ladies and just surprise my partner with the charm ;))

Hopefully some of us can move up to the wiser realms together, or an idiots guide would be nice hehe

night hunnies xx
Hey Stacey, I totally agree, there is so much to get your head around and I am the same whereby I didnt have any of this first time around as it was unplanned and I was actually on the pill, now when I think back I wonder how the hell it happened? I think I had antibiotics for about 5 days and thats what done it! I feel so sorry for the ladies on here who try and try and it doesnt happen for them, and for some (like me I guess) it happened so quickly, life really isnt fair sometimes is it.

I also wouldnt want to discuss any of this with the OH or even go into temping etc, otherwise I fear it turn the DND fun into a chore, as we "have" to do it at that specific time. Im saying that now because I have actually TTC yet but Im sure if the time came and we had been for a while I might be tempted to try additional things, but not to start off with!!
It takes practice! But you soon get used to the lingo!

SMEP - Sperm meets egg plan - Google it!
CD - Cycle day - First day of period is CD1
DPO - Days past ovulation - The day after you ovulate is 1DPO

Temping is to take your temperature every day at the same time first thing in the morning before getting up. Your temperature will be more or less the same for the first half of your cycle (follicular phase) then the day after you've ovulated your temp will spike up by about 0.4 degrees centigrade and stay raised throughout the second half of your cycle (luteal phase). It a good way of knowing when you have ovulated. You can always use ovulation tests as well as or instead of temping. If you want to temp, use a BBT thermometer and use something like the Fertility Friend app to keep record of your temperatures.

If there's anything else you want help with let me know! I may be pregnant now but I do love helping others TTC - it's a lot of fun but can get a bit obsessive! xx
I'm also baffled by it all! Before conceiving my LO I thought you had unprotected sex, you got pregnant. End. How naive I was! It must have been drilled into me as a teenager!! So I was shocked when I wasn't pregnant after my first (&second!) cycle!! Luckily it happened 3rd time, just as I'd started teaching myself about the birds & the bees!

You're right, it does seem to take the romance away and I could imagine myself getting completely obsessed by it all!
I'm on to my 3rd WTT lol so I'm pretty clued up with all the abbrevs! EWCM always made me cringe though! Ha ha!
What's ewcm? I've just been torturing myself tonight.. reading other ladies 2 ww threads and hearing all their symptoms and hoping that someone please gets a bfp (eh check me with the lingo). It's way more addictive than fbook it's like a soap opera, just imagine what it'll be like when we are there! It seems stressful! I guess we will just have to wait and see x
Hello lovely ladies. Happy Valentine's day to all :)

Stacey: EWCM=Egg White Cervical Mucus :shock: You are getting there with your lingo :clap:

I agree with previous comments on not mentioning any of this stuff to other halves as it is a lot of things but sexy it's not. It is great fun discussing on PF though. Hopefully none of us will need to go as far as temping but if we do we can be each other's shoulders.
egg white cervical mucus eewwwww! Also a funny one I learned today was dp - danger poke haha made me giggle :D

Happy valentines day to all of you feeling the love we are all lucky ladies aren't we. Can't wait for my O/H to come back from work xx
Glad I just came across this thread as I had no idea what any of it meant, all the posts I have from when I was on here a while back and I only just know now by seeing this thread :blush:
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Hehee I'm sure there's a few of us the same...I'm getting more used to it now. I learned another one last night FRER : first response early result (preg test) x
Hi, I'm new!

I don't understand any abbreviations in the ttc section either, it all started to scare me a little!! I am on my second cycle of trying (first proper month!) are there any dos or songs on this forum I should know? Thanks ladies!
I was meant to say dont's not songs...! Thank you. Is there a quick way of seeing if people have replied to your posts? The only way I seem to be able to find them is remembering where I have left a post! X
I was meant to say dont's not songs...! Thank you. Is there a quick way of seeing if people have replied to your posts? The only way I seem to be able to find them is remembering where I have left a post! X

Yes! If you go to user cp at the top they'll all be in there. X

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