Words of advice from one who has been thru it all twice!
Forget all this natural birth crap. That's for treehuggers and people who don't know what a painfree labour can be like. Take any drug they offer you to relieve the pain. Don't want to scare first timers but it does really hurt, really bad sometimes, but it is manageable. Gas and air is great, sends you away with the fairies for a few moments but doesn't really do much for the pain. Pethidine is stronger but again doesn't really do much for pain, again you're on another planet so you don't really care that much about the pain. Besides which, you will probably be too busy talking to random people in the room who aren't really there... or singing your heart out... or confessing your deepest darkest secrets to the midwife and your birth partner... I can thoroughly recommend an epidural. It's uncomfortable when they put the needle in at first but boy oh boy does it do wonders for the pain!!?! I told the anaesthetist I loved him when he had administered mine. Only problem with it can be that you don't get the urge to push as strongly as you would without. The midwives are usually pretty good at telling you when it is time to do that, and you can push then - but without the pain! Bonus.
In the last few weeks, get yourself some raspberry leave tea or capsules and take them religiously. I found that with my second (who was almost twice the size of my first) it seemed to make things errrr stronger yet more supple down there and I pushed him out with no tears at all, whereas I did tear with my daughter and she was half his size!
If you have been a bit bunged up and haven't managed to poo before you go into labour, ask the midwife if it is too late to have an enema. Having pooed with both of mine during labour, I will definitely be asking for one this time round!
Also in the last few weeks, try to keep mobile as much as you can to try and prevent the baby turning back to back as that makes the labour pain even worse as it feels like your back is about to break and that the devil is trying to pull your spine out thru your bottom. Been there done that with both previous... why do you think I advocate the epidural so much
Oh and make sure you pack plenty of sanitary towels. BIG ones. Nothing ever prepares you for how much you'll bleed afterwards