Anyone crapping themselves about labour yet?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2008
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I am sooooooo scared, literally having nightmares. I was convinced I would go an elective C section but am now having second thoughts (mainly due to higher occurance of asthma in kids born by C sect- I am a severe asthmatic) and think natural is better.

I am pooping myself already.

Any ideas on preparation- the books scare me even more because of the pics!
Thankfully, I'm not dreading it at all!! Althought I had quite a traumatic labour with DD, that ended in a forceps delivery in theatre. I went into it with a completely open mind and just went with the flow. I had no birth plan. That way I couldn't feel disapointed if it didn't go to plan (which from what I understand, they rarely do!!)
I also had my Husband & mum with me, who were fantstic! So I didn't feel I was relyig on a midwife, as they gave me all the support I needed.
You will be fine, there really is nothing to worry about. Just think that it will be an amazing day, that you will never forget. Yes it hurts but whats a few hours of pain for the amazing gift you get at the end of it :hug:
LittleLambe said:
Thankfully, I'm not dreading it at all!! Althought I had quite a traumatic labour with DD, that ended in a forceps delivery in theatre. I went into it with a completely open mind and just went with the flow. I had no birth plan. That way I couldn't feel disapointed if it didn't go to plan (which from what I understand, they rarely do!!)

Same here! I'm not really dreading it as with my first labour, I also went into it with an open mind, and tbh, I was sooooo excited at the thought of actually holding my baby at some point later that day that it really hyped me up and got me through it, as I'm sure it will with you too!

I just tried not to think about giving birth whilst I was pregnant ifywim??! I thought, the more I sat there thinking about it and worrying, the more worked up I would get. You don't know what will happen, every labour is different so I found it best to just go with the flow! :D
lol wot a question to answer without lettin ppl know how painful it is.
When i had my first i didnt really think about it, when i started hvin contraction i thought wow this is easy, how wrong was i.
i had a natural labour so my advice take the drugs lol, but honestly at the end of it its all tottaly worth it when your holding that baby in your arms and just forget everything.

This time ive read up on a few labour positions etc and im hoping to have an active birth which is you can walk around and not be tied down to a bed. (not litteraly of course lol)
It is good to read up on a few stories and make a birth plan then you wont have to worry until the day arrives.
Theres no point thinking about the pain etc right now, as it is probably not even wot u think its like, its painful yes...but so amazing.
yes im crapping it.. I dont do pain very well and im soo bad with it :lol: BUT im staying open minded about the whole thing and trying to relax about it cause stressing out is just going to make it worse and also means your not going to enjoy your pregnancy worrying about what happens at the end! Its up there now so we just have to deal with it the best way possible! :lol:
YES!! I had a very traumatic birth with my son, spent most of the time with my legs in styrups as his heart rate kept dropping and they had to keep taking samples of blood from his head, had vontouse too :( im absolutly dreading labour but its all worth it when you have your baby in your arms and its a pain you soon forget :D
My advice is keep thinking about it over and over, and voice or write down your concerns........

I started to think about the "whole" process really early on, and so now Im actually feeling much better about it all - especially after the hospital tour recently. Im hoping to go for a natural (ish) labour, in the midwife lead unit - and hopefully in the birthing pool. The birthing unit is just fantastic - low lighting, candles, and no beds.........just gym/yoga style mats, birthing balls, pastel coloured rooms etc.

All that said not all hospitals have mid wife lead units, and Im lucky that mine is around the corridor from the main delivery suite, so if I change my mind and want an epidural they can move me in a couple of mins!

Clucky - I know you were recently thinking of paying to go private, but if you do go on the NHS elective c-sections are not often allowed, as they are only done when there is a medical reason to do one. Its such a major operation (you cant even drive for 6 weeks afterwards), and personally I would prefer to let my body do what it was made to do, and experience giving birth to my child, regardless of pain.
I'm a little scared too. But I've thought about it a fair bit and i'm resigned to the fact I'm going to cry and scream my head off. OH and MiL will be there to deal with it, I pity them more :lol:

To be honest I'm more scared of any possibility of a C section. My friend had one a few years ago when she had her twins and nicely told me all the details........ Do Not Want! ;)
If I let myself think about it too much then yeah, it scares me! But im really excited about it in a way because I want to experience it all and take it all in. I *think* I can cope with painful contractions (but then how would I knwo what they are like!!) but the thought of the head coming out scares me.. but then by the time the heads out, you know your only a few pushes away from meeting it :cheer:
I am expecting number 6 and i still crapping it even though i have had really good labours with my others thinks its normal to be nervious just try and relax
I'm actually not, unlike last time, but at the end of this baby needs to come out somehow whether we like it or not, so what's the point in stressing yourself out about it!

Plus, remember they have LOTS of drugs to help :rotfl:
EllieBelle said:
My advice is keep thinking about it over and over, and voice or write down your concerns........

Clucky - I know you were recently thinking of paying to go private, but if you do go on the NHS elective c-sections are not often allowed, as they are only done when there is a medical reason to do one. Its such a major operation (you cant even drive for 6 weeks afterwards), and personally I would prefer to let my body do what it was made to do, and experience giving birth to my child, regardless of pain.

Oh yes I realise this- we have decided that IF we go elective C we will fly back home to have it where our private health insurance convers it, and then fly back to UK. Have booked in with the top Obs at home just in case.

It's not jsut the pain, but it's the extra stress placed on the baby and I really don't want the use of forceps or suction cap... I would pref C sec over that. So from my reserach, natural is bettter if it goes well, but can result in distress for baby in which case the C would have been better.... but guess you never can tell how it will go! I am VERY small as was my Mum (who could not deliver naturally) so just have the feeling things will not be a walk in the park....
Not really as such no. My birth with DS although it ended up in a ventouse delivery as he was in distress and the problems there were after it. It was such a quick labour in all honesty that despite the problems it wasnt that bad. Even with DD it all happened so fast i never had time to think of it and the drugs were gret aswell!! :wink: So this time im really looking forwards to it again giving birth and being able to hold my lo at the end of it all. :D
Some days I get the odd niggle and it reminds me of the pain to come!!!! I remember thinking at the time I had my son that id never do it again...but it couldnt have been that bad in hinesight as here I am again. It is painful, no denying that, but is SO SO worth it. Id do ten times over to have my son. I know il start to crap myself again nearer the time, but hey its gotta come out!
I wish i could go through it all....the pain, the gas and air, the whole throws of labour, but i have to have a c -section and i am shitting it!
thing that is worrying me more than anything is ending up with a really bad tear.
Words of advice from one who has been thru it all twice!

Forget all this natural birth crap. That's for treehuggers and people who don't know what a painfree labour can be like. Take any drug they offer you to relieve the pain. Don't want to scare first timers but it does really hurt, really bad sometimes, but it is manageable. Gas and air is great, sends you away with the fairies for a few moments but doesn't really do much for the pain. Pethidine is stronger but again doesn't really do much for pain, again you're on another planet so you don't really care that much about the pain. Besides which, you will probably be too busy talking to random people in the room who aren't really there... or singing your heart out... or confessing your deepest darkest secrets to the midwife and your birth partner... I can thoroughly recommend an epidural. It's uncomfortable when they put the needle in at first but boy oh boy does it do wonders for the pain!!?! I told the anaesthetist I loved him when he had administered mine. Only problem with it can be that you don't get the urge to push as strongly as you would without. The midwives are usually pretty good at telling you when it is time to do that, and you can push then - but without the pain! Bonus. :cheer:

In the last few weeks, get yourself some raspberry leave tea or capsules and take them religiously. I found that with my second (who was almost twice the size of my first) it seemed to make things errrr stronger yet more supple down there and I pushed him out with no tears at all, whereas I did tear with my daughter and she was half his size! :shock:

If you have been a bit bunged up and haven't managed to poo before you go into labour, ask the midwife if it is too late to have an enema. Having pooed with both of mine during labour, I will definitely be asking for one this time round! :oops:

Also in the last few weeks, try to keep mobile as much as you can to try and prevent the baby turning back to back as that makes the labour pain even worse as it feels like your back is about to break and that the devil is trying to pull your spine out thru your bottom. Been there done that with both previous... why do you think I advocate the epidural so much :lol:

Oh and make sure you pack plenty of sanitary towels. BIG ones. Nothing ever prepares you for how much you'll bleed afterwards :(
God aye about the sanitary towels - I was nowhere near prepared enough for how much I would bleed afterwards - I had to change the sheets 3 times and I was only in 1 night, and that was with a big pad thing to sit on plus BIG BIG BIG sanitary towels! :lol:
hehe yeah those pads they give you at the hospital are like matresses!

Does anyone think that you actually smell funny, like a hospital after a baby??
So I had an appointment with my MW yesterday and when I was explaining that I am finding it hard to really enjoy the pregnancy as I am stressed about labour, I broke down and cried! Gosh, these pregnancy hormones!

So she referred me to a support service and has booked me in with my Obs so I can meet him directly. Feeling a bit better about it :)

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