Anybody tearful?


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
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I don't know about you guys but I've suddenly got hyper emotional. Last night there was something awful on 'real lives' about a baby who contracted meningitus. Was treated and went back home, had a great month, but then tragically came down with another infection and died. I was absolutely bawling - not just a trickle of a tear - full blown crying. My DH was quite shocked as he was trying to console me.

Then, just watching the news this morning and a 16 year old girl had died from a brain tumour but had been given an overdose of radiation earlier in the year - EXACTLY THE SAME THING HAPPENED AGAIN - I suddenly started bawling :shock:.

I'm not sure if it's the hormones or just me feeling particularly protective of Maddie at the moment (and injections are currently on my mind as she has to go for a Hib booster next week) but it took me by surprise too.

But I'm getting worried that I may do the same thing at work - in a meeting or something (I can just imagine everyone's faces :rotfl: )

I am aswell hunnie, and mine got worse with Damien as the pregnancy went on :shock: I cry if my tea tastes funny, I cry when I'm tired, I cry at the NSPCC adverts (expecially the one of the baby in the cot, I have to leave the room I get so upset), I cry when Damien won't come and give me a hug (then he cries when I cry so he he comes for a hug!).

Rigth old daft bat I am :lol:
You need to stop watching tv! :shock: :rotfl:

No, seriously I get so emotional!!

The wirst thing was when I cried because my OH didn't like a flower vase I got fron NEXT, I can cry about anything and when I'm tired I get a pressure in my head and go suuuuuper moody :twisted:

I nearly cried watching that Clover ad this morning, the one where the guy crys overs his sweetcorn!

Listen hun, your not alone, i was crying over corrination street the other day - rosie and craig!!! lmao.
Some days will be like that. :D
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I can always come on here to feel better - Now I'm crying with laughter :rotfl: :rotfl: !!!!

I nearly cried watching that Clover ad this morning, the one where the guy crys overs his sweetcorn!

why on eath does that guy cry about his sweetcorn?!!!
dunno, but I love that ad!

I wept and wept at Holby City the other night. Poor DH didn't know what to do with me. He thought something was really wrong. There is -I'M UnCOnTrOllAblY eMoTioNal at the moment. Quite funny really.

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