

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2011
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I wasn't sure where to post this but I was just wondering if I am alone in feeling this way? My beautiful baby girl is just over 2 weeks old and my oh is going back to work tomorrow after his 2 weeks paternity leave. I was very sore with stitches and bruising and he has been a wonderful help. I have been worried about him going back since I had the baby really but tonight I am super anxious. Crying lots and worrying about how I'll cope on my own. He is upstairs sleeping and me and Chloe are sleeping in the lounge (where we have all been sleeping since coming home from hospital, it was just easier!) as he does 12 hour shifts so I want him to get plenty sleep. I feel like I have been extra clingy with him as well, wanting cuddles and feeling even more in love with him than usual! Is it just hormones? Is anyone else afraid of being on their own?
I would say it is your hormones playing up. I know I got emotional at little things a couple of weeks after Lucas was born. It will get easier and as you heal you will find it easier. It is amazing how you adjust to looking after your LO by yourself. xx
Hey, this sounds just like me. My oh is back at work today and for the last few days I've cried every time I've thought about coping by myself. Oh has been such a help whilst I'te recovered from stitches etc. I keep telling myself that However daunting it may seem however we Will cope!
I felt really hormonal and down around the 2 week point and cried a lot and that was with my hubby still at home. He's back on call this week and on a course so know how you feel. He's only away for 2 days this week and it's normally a month away, dreading that! So guessing what you feel is normal x
Thanks girls. The health visitor just left and said it was completely normal to feel this way. She also put my mind at rest about some of the little worries I had to do with lo. I think I just got used to oh being around and was enjoying it too much! We live in a pretty isolated area and I don't have any family or friends nearby so it is a bit lonely, and I am a bit overwhelmed thinking about the huge responsibility of looking after this little one! I felt quite unwell last night as well which didn't help. I am going to try and get a bit of sleep today if I can settle Chloe.
Defo sounds like hormones hun, and natural anxieties. When my son was born I was elated for about 4 days, never felt happiness like it, then the baby blues hit. I was crying at anything and everything lol I was worried when OH went back to work too, esp as we'd had christmas then his paternity, and he added an extra week holiday so he'd had a long time off and I was worried how I'd cope too, but it was fine. You just get on with it really, it's hard, but you soon get into your own routine and everything becomes second nature.


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