Anti D after a knock


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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How hard do you have to be hurt before you need an anti D jab?

I was holding a quite heavy box sturdy when it fell and scraped against my tummy, it hurt and now i am worrying about whether i need to call about a jab? or is the fact i have had my first jab cover it?
im not sure about this
i remember falling when i was pregnant and i told the MW but she didnt mention anything
It would be best just to call ur MW and mention it, but i think the first injection covers it
its usually only when u bleed or if you have knocked against something hard enough to bleed inside. best to check with midwife though - gope ur ok, hate thos flippin injections - had 4 so far due to bleeds arggghhhhhh :wall:
I have called the midwife who asked me lots of questions for some reason like how has your pregnancy been so far and have you had to go to hospital for any reason and some other ones about the history etc (very odd) but she said she would be coming round tomorrow to take some blood from me to take to the hospital to see if i need to have a jab or not.

He has been pretty quiet today so i think that is making me worry more cause now i dont know whether it is because of the knock or not :?
I had to go into hospital yesterday in the end as they wanted to moniter him, they took my blood and everything else and all was perfect but i had to go in again this morning for the Anti D and got monitered again cause he was quiet with his movements again. Just have to keep an eye on the movments now.
I'm rhesus neg and was never told that I needed it if I took a knock when pregnant!! I had an anti-D jab at 33 weeks and that was it (would have needed another if my daughter had + blood type, but that was it!)

Can't help honey - but am glad I read this post for next time!!
i have to have the jabs without any knocks.

weeks 28,34 if res neg which i am.
my bday i got teh jab :lol: well gotta book
do they hurt?
Don't worry too much bout the jab - sting a bit as they have to be injected slowly but you'll survive.

Suprised you didn't get offered the one jab done midway thru preg and then after if baby isn't neg though
Most people who need an anti D have them at 28 and 34 weeks but need to may need to have it again if you have a knock in between.

it doesnt hurt but it does sting a little at first. Dont worry yourself about it because if you tense up while you are having it it is more likely to hurt more.
hey Flame

You and bubba ok today? Lots of wriggling I hope :hug:
Not lots of wriggling but am keeping an eye on it :D

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