

Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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I'm only getting a few mins to do anything as baby girl (still no name) feeds all the time, I can't read thru her thread quickly on my phone can someone update me here please it all sounds so hard for her going on the last posts, I was hoping to catch an announcement!
I hope it's not too bad :(
Send her my love please!!!!!
this was posted yest hun not sure if youve seen it;

Yesterday, 17:29 PM #160

hi it's caitlin just letting you all know that when they took my mums thing out they noticed that the midwife who put it in yesterday has bent mums servix right back and henleys head has been squashing it all day and that's why she's been in agony ..she's gone to bed because she was crying and really upset ..the doctors are coming to see her later ..thought i should let you all know for my mum..i'm sure she'll come on when she's not as upset ...bye for now <3<3 xxx
Yeah she seems to be having a bit of a time of it :( poor thing, bless her! No sign of her LO yet as far as we know.

Hope you and little one are doing well JM :) looking forward to hearing a name xx
Thanks :) yeah I saw that one but I've missed the whole labour build up and everything, I don't know what the 'thing' was lol!!
Hoping she's holding LO by now poor thing :(

Hi princess :wave: hope ur well :)

We are good thanks she's got her day and night mixed up by just a few hours which isn't too bad but dont get to sleep til 4am.. But been able to sleep and feed as night time should be til now.. Really wanna write my birth story soon I promise it won't be long :) xx
have you decided on a name for her yet???? cant wait to read your story x x x
Hi hun will text u updates on ange glad u r doing well . Can't wait to read your full story !! Xxx
No name yet suzzi :( getting alot of pressure from mil which is pissing me off tbh! Not gonna settle with a name we think is 'alright' just to suit others needs to announce!

Thanks babe send my love to her plz poor thing sounds like she's going thru it!!
Aww you take your time, you want it to be perfect :) am really looking forward to hearing it though and your birth story. Hope your both doing well and that your girls are enjoying having a baby sister :) xx
why dont you play with them and tell them youve decided on 2 and make them really awful lol
hey JM, glad your ok and LO is doing well, good luck with the name :) best wishes from me and hubby xxx
Thank you all :)
Yeah we were thinking of doing that just to shut them up and make a point of it being an important decision not just a quick broadcast! We have one or two we like but not sure if they are right... Still getting my head round the fact she's a girl lol! I was convinced we were having a boy! I'm so glad you had a girl Carey :cheer:
I hope ange is ok :( poor thing :(
You'll get there on the decision making Hun :hug:
Can't believe we've not heard from ange :( x
Thanks Hun !! We r glad too ! Lol u will get there on the name and it will b perfect for her !! Friend of mine had a girl week before me and the only announced the name last week she had the nick name baby sparkle for 2 weeks !!

Getting worried bout ange now don't like not hearing anything !! Xxx
Hi Jaycee, wondered how you was getting on, looking fwd to your birth story and name announcement x
Baby keeping me awake all night lol so v tired.. Had a better night last night and tonight hasn't been that bad at all! So hope to have the energy to get on the laptop soon and write my birth story :)
How u r doing honey?

What's going on with ange??
Hey JM hope you and LO are well, cant wait to read your birth story :)

weve not heard from ange x getting really worried now x x does anyone have her number or fb xxx
Hope everythings ok and shes just super busy with her LO, bless her, she was having such a rough time

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