Need some reassurance, mainly from BFing moms- please note that I'm NOT having a dig a formula feed baba's by any means, it's just that Otis has only ever been BF and therefore other BFing moms might be able to identify what Otis has been going through. Last night put Otis down as usual just before 7pm (he had his 4oz bottle of EBM), 30mins later he woke up so we gave him his dummy and he went back to sleep. He then woke up again nearer 10pm, so I fed him and he was back in bed asleep nearly an hour later - seemed a bit restless, more then usually. He then woke again at around 1:45am at which time I fed him and spent ages tring to get him back to sleep, finally got back to my bed near 3am. 30mins later he was up again!!!! Went in and gave him his dummy and went back to bed well this went on till about 4:30am when I'd had enough so I went through the check list - changed nappy, took temp (was fine), fed (he drank a bit) and then finally he went of to sleep at around 5am!!!! He then slept through till 7am when he woke up crying almost inconsolably!!! It took me some time to settle him before he would take some breast milk, I then put him in our bed until he got up around 10am (he did wake once before then around 8ish can't quite remember I was so zoned out! I think he did take some BM then!)
Anyone can't relate to this? Is he teething do you think, he has been quite off colour lately but this has definately been the worst, he normally wakes twice in a night ( ), which is a pain but heyhoo!
Anyone can't relate to this? Is he teething do you think, he has been quite off colour lately but this has definately been the worst, he normally wakes twice in a night ( ), which is a pain but heyhoo!