AF is 2 weeks late help


Jan 9, 2008
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af will be two weeks late on Wednesday, I have done many tests in the 2 weeks and they all negative did one tonight that was negative as well

Any advice you girls its driving me mad

Please Help
Hey there

I totally feel your frustration. I am 6 days later than my longest cycle and going totally insane with all the BFNs I am getting!! Not testing again until Friday now.

I have no signs of either AF or being preg.

Have you had any symptoms? Are your cycles normally very regular?

I am interested to see what advice the girls on here give you!

Lots of luck

Sal x
Thanks for replying

I don't really feel af is on the way nor feel pregnant really

Last week i ha some af type cramping and my bb are bigger than normal, Today i have felt sick on and off and have had some back pain but thats it
really don't know what to do
Did you pinpoint when you ovulated this month?

Im not sure when I did so i just have to wait I guess. If you know when you ovulated and you are 2 weeks late (ie now it is about 4 weeks after Ov) I would probably go to the doc...but that is just me! What would everyone else do???

If I am not pg this month I am going to start charting to help pinpoint ovulation.

Try not to go too crazy :hug:

Sal x x x
Hello Sal

No i don't chart or anything just decided to see how things go thought this try for a baby would be easy but guess not

I don't really want to get in to charting but used a web site to find out when af
was due so from that im 2 weeks late which i guess it would be 4 weeks since ov

I guess if nothing shows by next week then its of to the docs

What you gonna do?

Sarah x
Hmmm. Im not sure what I am going to do!

Im in the testathon on friday so will test then if AF doesnt show up before. Hoping that SOMETHING will happen soon as I really am going crazy here :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

keep me posted with any news :hug:

Sal x
hi just wanted to say i feel your pain :( i am 8 days late and done 3 tests all neg, i went to docs yesterday she sent a test away so we will see but she said if its neg at this stage then its one of those things , not very helpful... may go to another doc if no joy next wk, i feel exactly the same a bit sick of n on over wkend, and pain in my lower back . would love to hear any gd news :D

Ive just realised that the testathon is on sunday not friday so I will have to wait even longer to POAS! Not sure if I will make it :doh:

Did the doc do a blood test rene70?

why are our bodies so blimmin complicated?

fingers crossed for us all

sal x
AF is here! :(

You ladies still in the game this month?

AF here :cry: so disappointed, doc test was BFN so was kinda expecting them... never back to the BD :) im sure fiance wont mind
hya just wondered wat does AF stand for?
reading thru the forum i can guess wat it means but wat do the initials stand for , someone tell me plz???? thnx :D

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