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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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hi guys,

some of you may have read my thread from the other day.. basically i haven't seen a health professional regarding my pg since i seen my doctor 2 and a half weeks ago.. i have no one to phone with questions/worries etc.

there was a problem with the referral from my doctor apparantly and the scan appointment wasn't sent through, they only done it yesterday, so i have no idea when i'll get to see anyone.

about 11 weeks ago i had a strange bleed which didn't seem like a period, so i don't know if i've been pregnant from before or after that.

my friend said today that this is a disgrace and i should have had an early scan to check all is ok bc of the bleed, also bc i haven't even spoken to a midwife yet..

what do you all think? my friend i suggesting phoning up the mternity and demanding to be seen asap, (when they send my scan out it probs won't be for another few weeks, and by that time i could be in 2nd tri..)

any advice appreciated :)

sarah xxx
It's a difficult one to be honest, unfortunately you're unlikely to get an early scan unless you are in an emergency situation and get yourself to A&E or the EPU.

They probably wouldn't have scanned you for the bleed as they wouldn't have been able to see anything as the pregnancy would have been so early on. Unfortunately in situations where women are suffering a miscarriage (I know this isn't applicable to you) they still tend to leave you unscanned and take a 'wait and see' attitude.

I know you've been concerned about getting your 12 week scan sorted as you are unsure of your dates, but now you know your Dr has referred you I personally would just calmly call the maternity unit again and explain that you are unsure of your dates, and are concerned that your first scan may be too late for the nuchal fold etc. Ask their advice as to what they suggest in terms of screening tests if you did miss the window for the NF testing.

I think as far as the maternity unit will see it, you're not high risk, bleeding or in any pain so they probably are very unlikely to respond to a manic pregnant woman demanding to be scanned immediately!!!

Maybe think about having a private scan if you can afford it, its normally only about £50 in the early stages. I know its annoying to have to pay for something that is normally free, but in some areas the 12 week scan has only just become available on the NHS.

Good luck.
Well I think it really does depend on the postcode lottery and your GP's/hospitals policies.

However it is worth mentioning that my own discussions with MW's and GP's seems to point to them actually not doing much before nearing the end of first tri anyway. I recall one doctor (or maybe it was a midwife) saying that they tended to do little until nearer 12 weeks as until then there really was little to actually be done. Other than paperwork and putting someone in the system so to speak. They said it was better to just wait/book for the normal appointment times once nearer the end of first tri.

I saw my MW for the first time at 7 1/2 weeks and tbh, it was a bit pointless as nothing other than a few bits of paperwork were done. It was only at the 12 week appointment that bloods etc were taken. I think maybe we worry we are missing out on care in those early weeks when infact there is little or nothing any doc or MW can do. I understand if someone is high risk or so on then of course they may need a closer eye or whatever kept on them, but for others then we really just need to be taking care of ourselves, eating well, resting and generally ensuring we are doing the best we can for our bodies and baby in those early days. What is happening is a natural thing after all, not a medical condition that needs curing :lol: That last bit is just how I see it. I'm all for less medical care (as in treating it like a condition) and more natural care where baby is concerned for me. Sure do blood tests and have the scans where allocated, but the more removed I can be from it being a medical process and closer to a natural one the better.

When I had my spotting the other week I went to see my GP the next day to discuss with him and he was lovely. He did reassure me and explain but said that at the end of the day, miscarriage rates before 12 weeks were fairly high and that if it was going to happen, there was nothing anyone could really do. He also explained I should not need to go to hospital if it were to happen unless I continued bleeding for too long or was in pain. He went into much more detail but I won't go into them here. He said I could come into the surgery and see someone there who would send me to hospital if need be. And no I was not shocked or angry he said any of this. I understand where he was coming from with it all.

I can sympathise and understand your concern and worry. I had and continue to have many myself during this pregnancy, it's natural, but I also decided to relax about it all and not make it a 'medical' thing in my head but a 'natural' process. I really do feel that these first weeks are the ones where medicine doesn't really play a part, unless high risk or some other such thing. I think you'll get a scan date in the not too distant future :) which is within the weeks of when scanning usually takes place in the NHS. I think its between 12-20 depending on area. None seem to offer earlier scans unless there are problems or concerns. But I do feel sunnyday is right when she said about the 'wait and see' approach (I don't like to refer to it as attitude :roll: ) . I know it seems harsh they do this but really, try not to worry as it won't help matters.

I'd go visit your GP maybe, or midwife and have a sit down talk with them and have them explain to you the NHS process as it is in your area. That way you'll have a better understanding on what will happen and when for you. If their policy is to scan at say 16 weeks and after, then consider your options for a private scan before if you want it :) I know it must be hard seeing others post here about early scans and so on and not be able to have one yourself. But not all health authorities are the same so its worth asking.

I don't say any of this to be mean nor am I having a go about it. It's just a point of view that I thought might be good to express. It's maybe a little more relaxed about it all than others, but believe me I've worried myself silly on more than one occasion and will do so again. But end of the day my level headedness wins out eventually and talking to my GP or someone in the profession usually answers all my questions and eases my worries.

Lots of these to you hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Umm yeah I'll just go hide behind the sofa now :roll:
thanks for your advice.

the problem is - i haven't spoken to anyone! i don't have a midwife, the gp just referred me, didn't give me any information.. i could still be drinking alcohol just now, eating wrong foods, not taking folic acid if i hadn't found out for myself!

i'm worried incase that bleed was a miscarriage which my body hasn't cleared out, that is why i was expecting my early - as in 9 weeks scan :cry:

i spoke to maternity, they said wait for your appointment. then spoke to someone else in maternty regarding the early scan, they said contact your gp, they need to arrange it. so i phoned gp, can't get an appointment for 2 weeks :cry:

i just feel like i have no help, i haven't told any family or anything yet bc i'm scared i've miscarried, i've never done this before, i just feel like i could have done with a bit of support just now. maybe i'm being too demanding, but i'm 19 and terrified really.

i'm sick of this already :cry:
You say you're bleed was about 11 weeks ago, have you still been getting pregnancy symptoms?? I'm sure if you are still experienceing symptoms then the baby will be ok!!

I didn't see my midwife until I was 10 weeks and didn't get an appt through for my scan until after that. I wouldn't worry too much, easier said than done I know!
Aww big :hug: Sweetie. I know you feel like you're going round in circles and the whole process seems to be different up there than down here but take a deep breath and try not to upset yourself too much.

I've never done this before either. I'm 29 and don't have any more of a clue than you do but seem to have been blessed with a very helpful doctor. Is there any way you can book an appointment with your doctor to just go in and chat through this as you're obviously upset by it and they can maybe run through the process in Scotland with you properly so you know when you're supposed to be doing what?

I've had to book my own midwife by ringing a number I got from the doctor and have had to chivvy the antenatal department at the hospital as well but everyone's been really helpful. I know what other people have written about pregnancies under 12 weeks which is right, but seriously if you're getting this stressed just book a normal doctors appointment and ask that they run through everything with you and tell them what you're worried about so maybe they can give you some help. I think you're entitled to ask for that :hug: :hug:
thanks sweetie,

the next doctors appointment is 13 days away :( i think we're jusy going to book a private 2d scan for piece of mind :(

Awwww hang in there.

From what I know of GP practices they are supposed to offer you an appointment within 48 hours. Phone them back, double check the Government/NHS policy if need be, ask nicely but firmly for an emergency appointment (or whatever their equivalent is) when they first open in the morning. Lots of GP surgeries run a 30 minute short notice session in the early morning. Don't worry about it not being your own actual GP, so long as its one of the docs there. If not go there as soon as they open tomorrow morning and sit and wait. It might take an hour but insist nicely.

Have a read of this section 12.6

12.6 By 2004, patients will be able to see a primary care professional within 24 hours, and a GP within 48 hours. Half of all practices already achieve this target as a result of careful organisation. In future, all practices will be required to guarantee this level of access for their patients, either by providing the service themselves, or by entering into an arrangement with another practice, or by the introduction of further NHS walk-in centres.

Taken from HERE

This is my first pregnancy also, and for many so we are all in the same boat with regards to finding things out. Alas though not every area is the same, so we all have different experiences.

The main thing to remember (as told to me by a friend, mum of 4 and a GP to boot) is that if you still feel pregnant then :) If you have sore boobs, or are in the sickness stage still, peeing a lot, whatever it is, then thats a good thing. Baby is in there :)

If you want to talk more, in PM or IM drop me a PM. Am home today and happy to chat and do some research for you into things in your area. I am the Google queen and don't mind chasing people for things :lol:

:hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks sherlock :hug:

have calmed down a bit now :roll:

i'm just going to wait for the appointment letter, if the scan is a month away i'l probs have a private one done sooner as well.

just researching stuff on my maternity - not looking too good already :(


the womens birth story sounds a nightmare - having to have meetings wth hospital officials at 38 weeks to try and get a home - water birth :wall:

apparantly suggesting you want a home or water birth over here is ludicrous..

I was in a similar situation, saw my doc at 5 weeks pregnant then no-one until 13 weeks :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have been reading a good book on home birth. Its not for everyone but it really does explain in detail about the pros. Although the tends to pulverise hospital births a bit too much for my liking and there seem to be no cons to home birth unless there are medical reasons...

Its called Birth Your Way by Sheila Kitzinger . I read it more for the info on the procedures used, MW and hospital etc, so as to have more info.

Let me dig around a little on whats on offer in your area. You really should be able to have a home birth if you want one. Or at least they should be able to put you in touch with a group or something.

I'm not called Sherlock for nothing :p
Sherlock said:
I have been reading a good book on home birth. Its not for everyone but it really does explain in detail about the pros. Although the tends to pulverise hospital births a bit too much for my liking and there seem to be no cons to home birth unless there are medical reasons...

Its called Birth Your Way by Sheila Kitzinger . I read it more for the info on the procedures used, MW and hospital etc, so as to have more info.

Let me dig around a little on whats on offer in your area. You really should be able to have a home birth if you want one. Or at least they should be able to put you in touch with a group or something.

I'm not called Sherlock for nothing :p


thanks so much hun, your an angel :hug:
OK, that site made for depressing reading. Even your other local Glasgow hospital seemed to have poor results according to there.

Anyways, found this site, Homebirth UK and they tell you how to go about contacting people and who you need to speak to etc. I don't know how far it will get you, but you can also

There was also this, on Baby Friendly Initiative Interesting reading and they have awarded hospitals in Glasgow their awards. Read about the awards here

My main suggestion is you maybe join your local NCT group asap and talk to others who have given birth in the local hospitals and at home. Actually hearing from people direct is a good thing. And while that site you linked to has lots of info, it all seems very bleak. I like to think somewhere someone will have a postive story to tell you to give you a bit more hope about it all.

Alas it seems that Glasgow has a pretty bad track record. If you want to pursue a home birth I think you'll need lots of strong will and commitment to it. It doesn't sound like it will be easy. But on the other hand, in the mean time also consider and visit the local hospitals, small and large, some will have midwife led units which I am told are more personal and friendly overall and others will be consultant/Doctor led and larger within large hospitals. Anyone needing emergency medical care or a c section etc is taken to one of these anyway.

I really did find that book useful for getting a better understanding of the procedures used in hospital and home births. And while I have elected to go for a hospital birth in a consultant led unit (age and medical condition made me opt this way), I am told its very much a better experience than the other large hospital and tries to leave the MW to it as far as possible. I also have very set ideas about pain relief, intervention and so on and am going to request its as little as possible and as natural as possible. Of course, even the best laid plans can go out the window, but if I am confident in the team in the hospital, and my wishes are clear and understood, barring emergency intervention, I hope it'll be adhered to. If I am not happy about things in the run up to the birth you can bet your ass I'll be letting them know about it and changing where I go if need be. And if things are crap during delivery, then I'd consider an offical complaint or whatever else may be needed.

One other thing, I know its expensive but you could consider a private MW and home birth. It costs a lot less than the average wedding day and imho I'd rather spend a couple of grand on baby's birth than double that or more on a wedding day. But thats just me :roll: And I am sure it can be arranged for less than this, but £2000 seems to be the average.

Independant Midwives links

Scottish Independant Midwives

and Search listing page where you can type in your postcode and it'll give you a 60 mile radius listing in your area (some listed will be found on the site above also)

Hopefully something there is of use to you :hug:
Oh hun, I was exactly the same - got PG confirmed at approx 5 weeks with GP and wasn't seen again until 12+3 which was at home with midwive. Had scan at 13+1. I was also worried about scan, contact numbers etc in those weeks where I felt I was left all alone, esp with having previous MC.

If u need to chat feel free to PM hun :hug:

Laura xx
I was in your situation too. I saw a locum (my doc was on hols) at 5 weeks, and he told me I'd come far too early and to come back in two weeks. I saw my own doctor at 7 weeks.

I heard nothing off anyone until 11 weeks when I chased up the midwife by ringing the ante-natal dept at the local hospital. I also had to chase up at 12 weeks to get a scan, and it turned out they had my dates all wrong because I'd had a miscarriage 2 weeks before we conceived this baby (therefore no last period date).

I eventually got seen by a midwife and got my scan at 13 weeks.

Unfortunately the situation is that before 12 weeks, the medical profession are not all that interested in you unless you are bleeding or in a lot of pain. I wouldn't ring up demanding to be seen straight away unless that's the case to be honest.

What I would do is to ring up and ask if they can schedule your appointment while you are there on the phone, even if it isn't going to be immediate.

If the worry is really getting to you, then I would get a private early scan.
hello babes

sorry I havent replied sooner I've been in hormonal hiding! But Im back :D :D

Firstly have a load of these :hug: :hug:

My theory on it all is fight for what you want no matter what it is. Sometimes you have to slightly bend the truth and lay it on thick when dealing with the NHS and health professionals (apologies to any health professionals on here I know its not your fault blame the system!) The system is so shite and to them we are a job, a number, a piece of meat. It sounds blunt but its so true. For me to get a doctors appointment I too have to wait 2-3 weeks until one day I realised if I call when it opens and say I need to see a doctor TODAY its an emergency or urgent then I get one on the day. If I didnt Id be pulling my hair out worrying about things. I know others have to wait 2-3 weeks but thats their choice - Im not going to get any medals for being a good little patient and waiting am I? Im pretty ruthless when it comes to things like this :? Tell your docs its an urgent and you want to see someone that day and keep calling as soon as they open until you get one.

I think there should be a system across the board so that each and every pregnant woman is offered the same care, scans/tests etc. Its a bloomin nightmare how it is at the moment. Being preggo is a scary thing and it does seem you're left in the lurch without a clue as to what to do. Thank god for places like this though! Maybe if it wasnt our first baby it wouldnt seem so daunting and we'd know the drill :think:

I know years ago there wasnt internet or scans for pregnant women but the health care was better and when you went to hospital you wasnt worried about coming out with a horrible killer bug as well as your baby!

Jeez Im starting to rant...sorry! :oops:

As for homebirths if you want one they cannot stop you having one. Luckily my midwife is 110% happy for me to have one. She did say however that there are a hell of alot of people out there that will try to put you off having one, scaring you out of it etc. It takes 2midwives for a homebirth and it costs them...as long as she brings plenty of pethidine and gas and air Il be coolio... :rotfl: bet I wont be saying that whilst Im chewing on my table leg in agony!

Anyway Sar goodluck with getting your appointment, remember it doesnt pay to be so nice all the time, try to be assertive and get what you want & deserve :hug: :hug: :hug:

x x x
I have a similar situation to you.

I tried to get an appointment with my doc to have my pg confirmed and teh receptionist asked me what I wanted to see the doc for, stupidly I told her & she woudnt let me make an appointment because apparently I didnt need to see the doc!!

I was very upset & said I needed some basic advice on what I should/sholdnt be doing, the receptionist bluntly told me to eat plently of fresh freuit & veg, dont drink, dont smoke & take folic acid!!!!! I was mortified & demanded I spoke to someone with more professionaql knowledge. The midwife called me that day and she just reiterated what the receptioonist had said. I explained that I wanted to confirm the pregnancy so the doc was aware in case anything went wrong & she had the cheek to say "well we cant prevent anything from going wrong"!! Agggrrhhhh!!! I was well aware of that (stupid cow) I explained I thought the doctor should know incase something went wrong & I needed to make an appointment with the doc for advice.

What would have happened if it was an unwanted pregnancy, I wasnt given an option to speak about my options, they just assumed I was happy with my situation?

Anyhow after speaking to a very rude receptionist and an unsympathetic midwife I still havent seen anyone.

I have got my booking appointment next Wednesday (hope its not the same midwife I spoke to on the phone) so hopefully that will make it seem a bit more real & official for me.

Sorry for my rant but they bloody annoyed me!!
Tillytots said:
hello babes
Sometimes you have to slightly bend the truth and lay it on thick when dealing with the NHS and health professionals (apologies to any health professionals on here I know its not your fault blame the system!)

I agree that the system is to blame.

However, when I had my miscarriage, I had to wait several hours for a scan whilst bleeding heavily and worrying myself to death. Lots of the women in the queue before me were there because they had bent the truth and laid it on thick to get a scan (I heard one of the midwives say as much to another). Whereas I was in the situation where I was actually losing my baby whilst sat waiting behind them.

There wasn't anything they could have actually done to save our baby, but if I had been seen sooner I might have been able to cry in the privacy of my home instead of sitting in a waiting room.

Maybe if there had been other ways to get a scan for those wanting reassurance, the emergency scan appointments could be kept free for those who need it.
Tiggergirl said:
Tillytots said:
hello babes
Sometimes you have to slightly bend the truth and lay it on thick when dealing with the NHS and health professionals (apologies to any health professionals on here I know its not your fault blame the system!)

I agree that the system is to blame.

However, when I had my miscarriage, I had to wait several hours for a scan whilst bleeding heavily and worrying myself to death. Lots of the women in the queue before me were there because they had bent the truth and laid it on thick to get a scan (I heard one of the midwives say as much to another). Whereas I was in the situation where I was actually losing my baby whilst sat waiting behind them.

There wasn't anything they could have actually done to save our baby, but if I had been seen sooner I might have been able to cry in the privacy of my home instead of sitting in a waiting room.

Maybe if there had been other ways to get a scan for those wanting reassurance, the emergency scan appointments could be kept free for those who need it.

aww hun thats really crap :cry: so sorry you had to go through that. Im shocked they left you to sit in queue whilst you were bleeding?! :shock: I agree that something definately needs to be done about the system but whether that will happen anytime soon is anyones guess. I definately dont think that lying to get an appointment is advisaable but if you're bleeding or in pain then Id do whatever it took to find out what was wrong


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