Advice please

rainbow dancer

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2010
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So I'm currently breast feeding and willhave breast feed Lucy for 4 weeks come Sunday. I have had to start expressing slot as my boobs are constantly painful. Not just nipples but whole boob aches! Any one else get this ?? Any ideas how to releive them? I'm not engorged etc I'm very close to giving up but keep feeling guilty so hoping to just grin and bear it although I'm starting to hate doing it cause so painful. I've been taking regular pain killers but feel I can't keep taking them.
Have u contacted ur local breastfeeding support? I've never had this but I'm sure some1 will have an answer 4 u. Only thing that comes to mind is is ur bra fitting well? I'm sure it would create some discomfort if it wasn't xx
Hi Emma hope u ok I have been measured for bras and they seem to fit ok. I spoke to both midwife and health visitor who both thought I have sensitive boobies . They both checked and feel I'm doing it all right so may need to call breastfeeding support group and see what they say. Xxx
I'm the same!! I'm okish one side, so gonna keep her on that one and express the other and see if that helps.

Glad it's not just me (but not glad you're in pain, lol!)
It's really Painfull isn't it Hun! Sorry you suffering too. I'm not sure how long I can carry on bf but as long as I can keep expressing at least little one is getting breast milk, even expressing is starting to hurt a bit but will percever. I hope you start to feel better soon. I'm also constipated ATM so that's uncomfortable too just trying lots if fluids etc but also on lactulose!! Xx

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