Advice - Movicol (Constipation)


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Hi There,

Hope you are all well, sorry ive not been around much lately ive got no internet at home at the moment.

Has anyone used Movicol sachets in pregnancy? My doc is on holiday so ive seen a locum who has given me these for severe constipation after the following not working properly:

Mini Lax Enemas
Dulcolax Suppositries
Fibre Gel
Dietry Changes - High Fibre diet etc
Loads of water & Orange Juice etc

Ive looked up Movicol on the internet and there seem to be warning not to use during pregnancy so im a bit wary of taking them. The doc I saw did call a gynocologist for advise on whether these are ok and they decided that yes they were.

What would you do? Im so worried about taking anything that could harm the baby in any way.... advice welcome!

Ive also been given some Amoxillin (sp) for an ear infection, I presume these are safe too?

Thanks :hug:
I think if the doc and gyno said there ok then your safe, these people have to warn you just to cover themselves, if you look you'l notice its on virtually everything :hug:
amoxicillin is fine- don't know about the other stuff though :think:
what are you eatting? try cereal for breakfast.. weetabix or bran falkes soemthing liek that and dried fruit.. should get you going.. i personally wouldnt take any medication if u can help it..
If the GP and midwife are happy then there should be no probs.

Try changing your diet to include more bran though (i.e bran flakes and weetabix). Don't be too worried about taking certain drugs in your pregnancy. I have Crohn's disease and always cause quite a panic in my GP surgery when I have a problem...If its something I have to take for my pregnancy, it has an adverse effect on my Crohns and visa a versa. I am taking Pentasa at the moment which all my consultants say is not approved for use during pregnancy, but to stop using it could mean my Crohns worsens and puts my child at risk... If you are very constipated you could get an empacted colon/intestine which could be more dangerous.

Try taking it for a while, and when your normal GP comes back, definately make another appointment to see him/her, to discuss it.
i normally use movicol as i have IBS but i stopped taking it when i found out i was pregnant, my doctor told me that its advised on the databes thingy to use with caution during pregnancy, how on earth ur supposed to us eit with caution i dont know!

So anyway after that i stopped taking it, ive just started eating more fruit, malted bread, and bran or high fibre wheat, i find shreddies r gd to get things moving along a bit, and u can have them in chocolate and it does the same thing yum :D
If it helps and by the way this will be tmi :rotfl: i had constipation quite badly for a while and ever since i started having weetabix for brekkie it has almost gone and movements are definitely easier!
before i got pregnant i worked as a pharmacy technician and i know amoxicillin is fine but im not sure about movicol. im sure the doc knows what they are doing but if your still not 100% then i wouldnt take them. you could always ring your MW for advice she might know
Hey Guys,

Thanks for the advice.

I eat loads of fibre & foods that SHOULD make me go already - weetabix/shreddies at least once a day, loads of fruit, loads of water & orange juice, green vegatables, Rivitta, Brown Bread & Rice.... The list is endless!

I havent tried prunes so will do, not sure if i like em but anythings worth a shot!!

I now go to the loo about twice every 2 weeks which is awful and leave me really bloated so im pretty desperate! I suffer from IBS anyway but this is dreadful!

I spose I will hang on until im really desperate to take the movicol...
Cheers x :hug:
happy_chick said:
I havent tried prunes so will do, not sure if i like em but anythings worth a shot!!

If you don't like them on their own, try putting them in a chocolate cake.
Wooo just to update you all lol....

I've been 3 days on the run, must be doing something right! Im still very bloated and got stomach ache & cramps but its good that im actually going! :cheer:
yaaaay :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I have went from that extreme to the other the last few days :oops:
aww happy chick hun.. it isnt nice when you cant go.. i get like that still...

glad to hear youve been able to go and its sorted itself... :hug: :hug: :hug:

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