aches and pains!


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2008
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Hi guys :wave: Hope you're doing well this lovely evening :dance:

I've been experiencing some odd pains, just wanted to know if it was normal or if other people have them too...they feel kind of like a stitch like you'd get from doing sport...only I get them walking home from work :? They are very painful and I have to take real baby steps because they hurt so bad :(

Can anyone else relate or suggest what they might be?

C xxx
Hello lovie!

I had this over Easter when we walked into town (about a 20 minute walk) so I guess it has something to do with "over working" certain muscles? They are doing so much work already supporting hefty bumps so I would guess it's that!!

I'm sure it's nothing bad though hun :hug:

I had that on Tuesday whilst walking the 10 minute walk into town from work at lunchtime. I asked the sonographer if it was Oscar I could feel but she said it was more likely to be some internal organs shifting around as it was just in line with my hip. She did say it might also be a sign I was overexerting myself :lol: I do find it strange I can swim half a mile with no problem but my walking just leaves me knackered, sore and breathless :oops:
Hi there,

Funny that I went to the dr's this afternoon i felt like i had been kicked in the stomach.. it totally freaked me out as i never remember feeling like this when carrying my son.

Dr said (she) apparently as I carried big last time this could be happening again and that things in a second pregnancy you feel earlier on.. i have to laugh i had a student dr look for lo hb and yet again they found it near on impossible only for a quick sec and they had one of those ones that shows both mother and babies hb apparently about 146 for the split second they found it. :rotfl: i dont think this baby likes its space invaded and now only this evening beginning to feel this one move.

Hope you are feeling better and that your pain goes away soon.
take care
Kathy x
The round ligament can be a big culprit when it comes to pains :shock:
Also the shifting up of everything as your uterus grows means less space for everything, so just take it easy, sudden movements can result in quite a shocking pian nowadays :shock: Very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:

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