8 Month assesment


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2005
Reaction score
Colby had hers today. She passed everything :cheer:
She had to sit for 2 minutes by herself, catch a tiny piece pf paper,roll over, stand with support and listen to different sounds and she passed, didnt even cry once :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Only thing they are still worried about is her length, so ive to take her to 2 baby clinics to get her weighed and measured then make an appointment back with the gp to see what he is going to do :roll:

She is also being refferd to an oncologist (sp?) for her eyes as the doc recons she has a thin layer of skin over the white part in her left eye wich is making it turn in more than it should, so just need to wait on an appointment to see what they say about it at the hospital.

But apart from all that she was really good and she got books a new tooth brush and toothpaste :lol:

dont you just love freebies :cheer: :cheer:
awww bless her well done colby for doing all of it!
Braydon didnt have to do all that
what a good girl for doing so well.

do you mean optometrist? if you tell people she needs to see an oncologist, you could make some people MIGHTY worried!!!
i dunno i just know it sounded like an oncologist but i guess im wrong
whoever it is ive been refferd to is to do with eyes so im not sure

so what is an oncologist then?
you got me thinking :lol:
if it's def to do with her eyes then it's an optomestrist (which means eye doctor)

oncologist is a cancer doctor - like i say, if you say this to people they're gonna be worried

sorry hun. i just don't want you worrying other people when you tell them :?
sooooooooo glad you told me hun :hug:

now i just need to get the correct name into my thick scull :wall: :wall: :wall:
i'm glad you're glad i told you (does that make sense???)

was a bit worried in case i accidentally put my big foot in it :oops:
well he did say it was an eye specialist then told me the name so i must have picked it up wrong :think: im sure he would have told me other wise wouldnt he?

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