7 days till induction :)


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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To try and stay positive (gettin increasingly difficult) I'm gonna count down the days to my induction. Sooo 7 days to go til 7/2 :)
Aw bless ya Emma. Do you have a sweep before the induction?

If my little man isn't here by then, I have my 2nd sweep with MW on Thurs, then will be admitted to hosp on Monday 7th if he still isn't here - 7 days for me too!

The race is on!!!
I've got a sweep booked on Friday but only get the 1. Then theyl book induction for 10 days overdue. Hopin it won't b that ling but at least it's summat to aim for,it's my eldest bday next tues so looks like he may b sharin his bday xx
I've got a sweep booked on Friday but only get the 1. Then theyl book induction for 10 days overdue. Hopin it won't b that ling but at least it's summat to aim for,it's my eldest bday next tues so looks like he may b sharin his bday xx


I'm surprised you are late, i thought you'd be early tbh with this being your 4th - i'd heard that you're usually late with your first, then early with the rest! I guess everyone is different though.

Have all your other pregnancies been similar?
I'll join in the countdown too cos I'm due next Tuesday :) how hard can one week be.... Lol

Come on ladies, we can do this!

What are you plans today "emmas"? Lol
Ooo good luck ladies sounds like we have lots of new arrivals next week you will be holding ur babies in no time :)
I was early wiv 1st and 3rd and 2nd was late (5 days) i ended up wiv emergency c setion last time tho so kinda lost faith in my body iykwim? xx
I'll join in the countdown too cos I'm due next Tuesday :) how hard can one week be.... Lol

Come on ladies, we can do this!

What are you plans today "emmas"? Lol

Well just pushed the car off the drive wiv dh,secretly hopin itl start summat off lol. now kid free til 3pm so gonna go 4 a trip to asda soon and watch the clock tick by into 4 days overdue lol xx
I'll join the countdown to, section next tuesday we could all end up with babies on the same day xx
I'm a bit annoyed - I haven't had a sweep (Dr doesn't agree with them) and haven't been booked in for an induction yet.

Hope things get moving for you both before that day arrives!!
I'm a bit annoyed - I haven't had a sweep (Dr doesn't agree with them) and haven't been booked in for an induction yet.

Hope things get moving for you both before that day arrives!!

I don't get a sweep til 7 days overdue and then theyl book for induction at 10 days over xx
I'll join in the countdown too cos I'm due next Tuesday :) how hard can one week be.... Lol

Come on ladies, we can do this!

What are you plans today "emmas"? Lol

I have my friend popping over at 11.30 with her 12 days old baby girl Millie! I'm hoping the wee one will send my hormones going, that'll send jealous vibes to my little man who will want to come out and have the cuddles himself!!! *wishful thinking* lol

Let the race commence PP. I'm soooooooo ready to explode and start squeezing :dance:!!! :rotfl:
I'll join in the countdown too cos I'm due next Tuesday :) how hard can one week be.... Lol

Come on ladies, we can do this!

What are you plans today "emmas"? Lol

I have my friend popping over at 11.30 with her 12 days old baby girl Millie! I'm hoping the wee one will send my hormones going, that'll send jealous vibes to my little man who will want to come out and have the cuddles himself!!! *wishful thinking* lol

Let the race commence PP. I'm soooooooo ready to explode and start squeezing :dance:!!! :rotfl:

Haha hope it works!! Me too I'm so ready but I'll probably be the last to have mine!
I'll join in the countdown too cos I'm due next Tuesday :) how hard can one week be.... Lol

Come on ladies, we can do this!

What are you plans today "emmas"? Lol

I have my friend popping over at 11.30 with her 12 days old baby girl Millie! I'm hoping the wee one will send my hormones going, that'll send jealous vibes to my little man who will want to come out and have the cuddles himself!!! *wishful thinking* lol

Let the race commence PP. I'm soooooooo ready to explode and start squeezing :dance:!!! :rotfl:

Haha hope it works!! Me too I'm so ready but I'll probably be the last to have mine!

I wouldn't hold your breath hun, you've been the same as me - loosing your plug and period pains - could be either one of us!
I haven't had my show yet - that I know of! And I don't think I've had period pains (never had them before, so don't know what they feel like!). Just a very wriggly baby, and leaky boobs, lol! I'm sure I'll be the last of the January lot to go!
I haven't had my show yet - that I know of! And I don't think I've had period pains (never had them before, so don't know what they feel like!). Just a very wriggly baby, and leakyanuary lot to go!

Your lucky not to have the pains before hand. The show doesn't mean anything and not everyone sees theres (I didn't with my first) so it must had come out in labour or something.
i havnt had a show either not that ive seen anyway. ive had terrible period like pains and very wriggly baby but thats it, oh and the bad back but been on and off for a while. i have midwife appt tommorow so hopefully will find out re induction date etc as not sure if they will sweep (due to current infection - strep b) xx
ARGH, it's so frustrating isn't it, I just want my baby, lol!!

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