**4th UPDATE** Eeek, seems it could be my time to pop!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2008
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UPDATE 4:: I've not had a contraction in 4 hours so it appears to have stopped. :roll: So this will probably be the last update! No baby for me anytime soon. :shakehead: Why are girls so fussy?! :lol:

UPDATE 3:: Still contracting, things have slowed down though. Hospital gave me a full MOT! :rotfl: Everything is looking good but there was no need for me to kept in but I am happy enough at home for now. Looks like this could be a long one though! :lol:

UPDATE 2:: Contractions are still regular and still incredibly far apart despite them getting slightly closer together so still not allowed at the hospital just yet. I've to go to the hospital tomorrow morning even if things slow down so I will have a better update tomorrow! No signs of the waters breaking either. I am just heading into bed the now to try and get some sleep.
Thank you for all the replies, I really do hope this is it. I am so ready to meet the lil madam who has been causing all this fuss and give her massive cuddles! :cheer:

I've been getting a lot of contractions, regular and very slowly moving closer together. I've also lost part of my plug. Hospital have told me I am waaaaaay to early to go to the hospital. I've had a bath (made the contractions more intense!!), bounced about on my birthing ball and been walking about the flat.

I also got my bag packed! :dance: Finally!

Woo, exciting stuff but I've had it all before apart from the plug loss so this really is a 50/50 situation. Just have to see what happens! :lol:
didnt you say you lived on the 12th floor of flats. Get the lift down and walk back and see if that helps :hug: :hug:
Aww no lets be possitive and just say yayyyy baby days arrived ( if not bugger it we'll do it all again!!)
Yayy, chopchop now LO lol no more messin us about !!

:cheer: :dance: :cheer:
lauramumof2 said:
didnt you say you lived on the 12th floor of flats. Get the lift down and walk back and see if that helps :hug: :hug:

That is a good idea! I actually might give that a go the now!

I shall resist popping back into the lift when I get to the second floor! :lol:

like lauramumof2 said get running up and down them stairs you'll soon be holding baby in your arms

how exciting keep us posted

bobs xxxxx
Yay! Good luck :cheer:

How exciting, you may be holding Aimee really soon :D
Oi! get to the back of the queue :rotfl:

Only joking!!! hope it goes well for you, lots of love!!! :hug:
Oh my god JoAnn! Wahey!! This is so exciting! How is Ewan? Hope he's packing his hospital bag too! He'll need some snacks! :cheer:

*Come on little Aimee! You're all cooked up now!*

Good luck hun! Keep us updated! xx
OH NO,she hasnt replied for ages. She will be at floor 7 by now.
lauramumof2 said:
OH NO,she hasnt replied for ages. She will be at floor 7 by now.

I got the 5th floor and gave up but because the block has odd and even lifts I climbed up to the 6th and got the lift! :lol:

Will put a wee update on the first post as well!
Very very best wishes xjoann and sweet dreamzZz, hope you're holding your baby girl real soon :hug: :hug: :hug:

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