4D Sexing Scan


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2011
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Wahoooo just booked my sexing scan for next Friday.

Im going to Window to the womb in Nottingham has anybody been there before??

I'm convinced its a little boy in there so im going to be shocked if its a lil princess!! Cant wait! xxx
Goodluck hunny, the 4d scans are amazing, enjoy ever second of seeing your LO :)
I was convinced this LO was a boy too, had a huge shock when she said it was a little girl. Have you posted your 12 week pics so we can have a guess sweetie? x x

No i havent, im at work at the moment so ill put it up when i get home see what ppl think!

your profile pic looks amazing, how many weeks are you there?

I will deff enjoy every second of it, heard such good reviews i want to fast forward time now lol xx
I haven't been to the Nottingham one, but I went to Peek-a-Baby in Birmingham for my sexing scan and the place was wicked - they had the normal scanning machine thingy linked to a massive wide screen TV for my husband + family to see. The chair was proper comfortable and they had a couple of leather sofas for my family to sit on, such a chilled place, was well worth the money! Enjoy it hun xx
I was 16+2 then hunny, it was so clear. She was still very skinny but you could make out her features really clearly, your going to love it :)
We enjoyed it that much we have booked another one for 25 weeks, i cant wait :) x x


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