4D scan today - a couple of pics


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2005
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Had a 4D scan today which was great. I have a DVD but have no idea how to edit it down to put a clip of it on so here's a couple of pics of my wee girl instead :D She is her dads double :D

Sorry the quality isnt great, I dont have a scanner so had to take photos of the photos if that makes sense :?


aww they are quite clear arnt they hun.. she looks a good size too :hug:
She's gorgeous, I wish I was getting 4D scan x
Thanks for the replies :D

She's a chubby wee thing already :wink: Think I better cut down on the choccie :?

:hug: :hug:
4d scans never cease to amaze me! Bet you cant stop looking at them!
awwwwwwwww shes gorgeous, how lovely!!!
i want one now :D
thanks for sharing xxxxxxxxxx
wow, they are so amazing. Your baby is so cute! You must be proud. I want one now!
Oh WOW! Thats amazing, you have a real little person inside of you!

I want a 4D scan!!!!!

Bet you're chuffed with them pics xx

Piglet x
Very sweet pictures. I am sure you will treasure these in the future and it's really exciting to think you'll be able to compare with how your LO really looks in a few months. :)

4D scans are just great and I don't regret having mine done at all. I still go back and look through the photos when I have a quiet moment.

Great photos... baby looks so content and peaceful! :clap:
Aww she's a cutie. I loved getting mine done.

Oh wow theya re amazing hun she looks gorgeous already!
Thanks very much girls :D

I cant stop looking at pics and we watched DVD again today. Cant wait to see LO in the flesh now :cheer:

Thank you all for your lovely replies :hug:
awww they are lovely :hug: I kinda regret not getting any done now but OH was being a stick in the mud :(
awww hun theyre beaut!!

Makes me so excited for mine only 20 days yayyyyyyyy hehe :dance: :cheer: :cheer:
Hey snuggle - when do they say is the latest you can have a 4D scan? Any idea?
Piglet xx
Hiya Piglet :wave:

I think latest is around 34 weeks because LO cant really move around by then so could be facing wrong way and 4D would be rubbish. I went to a place called Brayford Studio in Lincolnshire and it was really good. We were in for an hour and were supposed to get 6 pics and 15 min DVD but DVD was 30 mins long and we got about 15 pics! :D

If you have the spare cash I really recommend it. It really breaks up the time between 20 week scan and birth :hug:

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