38wk doc appt....


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2007
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had my 38wk check with the doctor today

they examined me and are pretty sure it was my hind waters that leaked on saturday/sunday but baby has probably sealed them back up again so they said to keep a close eye as they could leak again

fundal hieght was 35cm and head is down and 3/5 engaged, bump looks lower than usual today :think:

they had lost thier doppler at the surgery :shock: so couldnt check that but baby is moving about a lot so no real worries

i feel a bit tired and lazy today but no real signs of baby wanting to meet me :(
so not bath water then? :rotfl:

Ooh, 3/5 engaged sounds promising! Did they have any opinion on whether you could be early?
they didnt say anything about when they think baby will appear, hope its soon though
3/5 IS GOOD :D

glad all went well hun :cheer: hope the leaking starts up agian and this time its the real thing :lol: i know you cant wait to meet your little one
cant wait for mine on Thursday to see if Colliers doing the same :dance:
I have MW tomorrow so hopefully baby will still be engaged.

I know how you feel about being lazy, this week I feel REALLY lazy, like i cant even be bothered to put my breakfast stuff in the dishwasher.

Have been good today though, cleared all dirty dishes into dishwasher and I have done 2 loads of washing, but still feel very lazy it was such a chore doing those few bits.

Glad your appointment went well, any day for us really, its just a waiting game :|

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