35 week scan today


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2008
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Had a scan earlier which was a growth scan :) happy to report that little man is head well down facing me bum :D he is measuring slightly bigger than average but well within what's considered normal :) Saw his little heart hammerin away in there and sonographer pointed out what looked like little shiny dots around his head. she said tis his hair :D that was quite magical seein that :D no bloody wonder i been gettin savage heartburn lol

On the flipside of that, we were greeted in antenatal by a midwife with an urgent message for my mum to go round to A n E cos my grandma has suffered a stroke this morning so has been rushed into hospital. We had the scan straight away then were shown straight through to A n E. The doc was just fillin my mum in when i got there... she's just starin at the wall but was makin some movements with her legs and grunting when i spoke to her. She's 87 bless her.. had a tumble at home a few weeks back which we think was probably a milder stroke than she's had today. So any prayers or positive thoughts you can spare my grandma would be much appreciated x x x x

:pray: that she gets to meet her second great grandchild and hope and pray that she stays with us to meet her third great grandchild next spring.

Been quite a day so far.
Aw Fly, I am happy to hear your little man is doing well and rest assured that I am sending positive thoughts for your grandma to get to meet him. :hug: :hug: :hug:
glad scan went well thoughts are with your grandma :pray: :pray: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thankyou both :hug: i feel like i should be at the hospital but mum sent me home with lee and charlie so just sat ere waiting for more news :pray:
Glad your scan went well, and thoughts for your grandma and hugs for your family xx
So pleased all is well with your little man. Not long now till you meet him for real.

Hope your grandma is ok :hug: :hug:

Thankyou both :hug:

I just remembered .. we saw little man makin breathing motions which the sonographer was really happy about :) she said they practice their lungs by panting them in and out but obviously they don't breathe anything in - just kinda exercise the muscles - was lovely seeing him doing that :)
so sory to hear about your Gran hope she recovers.

Great news about LO and it sounds like he was doing some showing off for Mummy!!
I hope you gran recovers well hun! :hug:
Yay on seeing your LO breathing and his hair and everything!! Thats lovely!! :hug:
So glad your scan went well. That's amazing that she could pick out the hair. Makes it feel so much more real! Did they give you an estimated weight at this stage?

Hope your grandma is ok :hug: :hug:
Sorry to hear about gran. Hope she gets better soon. I'm sure she will.

Congrats on the scan and sounds like LO is making the most of his time in there. Not one to get bored :lol:
Thankyou everyone :hug: just spoke to me mum again - my grandma is now on a medical assessment unit and will stay there tonight cos not any beds on the wards as yet. She's asleep now - mum's kinda expectin a phone call in the night - what will be will be - thankyou for all your thoughts xxxx

Lynsey: They didn't give me an estimated weight no - she said he was slightly bigger than the average for 35 weeks but well within what's considered normal so erm... i am thinkin maybe he's about 5 pound sommat at this stage? maybe a bit heavier i dunno he bloody well feels like he's got legs as long as a giant though :D :lol:
Oh your poor Gran :( :hug: I really hope she gets better soon to meet your 2nd little Prince!

Great news about the scan too! Must put your mind at rest, and woohoo on his position too! :cheer:

Thankyou alice and danni :hug:

Just waitin for me mum to phone me with an update on me grandma

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