Recent content by ToriElla

  1. T

    My possible girls names

    Aw thank you hun :hug: x
  2. T


    Keep us posted about what happens with your scan!
  3. T

    Am supposed to be a bridesmaid in July....

    whats the dress like? Is i do-able with a bump?
  4. T

    Am supposed to be a bridesmaid in July....

    You wont be a heifer!! Pregnant women look lovely! Don't be silly. If the bride wants you as a bridesmaid being pregnant shouldn't change that.
  5. T

    First Scan & Picture (if I can upload it!)

    Aw thats wonderful!! :)
  6. T

    Pregnant belly painting?

    I can't see the pics at the min. I'm going to get my bump painted for some pics later on - my friend is doing an art degree and we thought it'd be fun. She's also going to do a cast of it!
  7. T


    How far along are you?
  8. T


    Hope everything is ok!! What time is your scan? the waiting sucks :(
  9. T

    Flavor of the week?

    I need some salt and vinegar sticks!!!
  10. T

    Reuseable nappies

    thanks!! I didn't know there was a sticky! Was just about to ask about them too xx
  11. T

    What Nappies Are You Gonna Use?

    I think you can get nappy liner you can just flush and extra absorbent inserts. I think the wrap/cover prevents leaks. To be honest I had leaks with certain brands of nappies until I found the right one. Huggies leaked everytime with Eva's shape, Some of pampers did too - when she got a little...
  12. T

    What Nappies Are You Gonna Use?

    Anyone thinking of reusable ones? I used disposable ones with Eva and I fancy trying reusable ones this time round. I've made a post about advise on them - because there are so many options out there!! viewtopic.php?f=16&t=111627
  13. T

    Very cute boys name(s)....updated with another cracker lol

    Not too keen on Joby but I really like Jonah x
  14. T

    plz vote

    love love love Theo!
  15. T


    He's not budging so far!! argh! I really like it too. I do love Lydia though x