Recent content by TeenMum17

  1. TeenMum17

    what team do you guys think?

    deffinately a boy :)
  2. TeenMum17

    Now a single mummy-to-be

    Hunny i am sorry things havent worked out how you wanted them too, i guess your idea of hapiness is all of ours really, isnt it? Im also a single mummy to be and i do have my down days but, the same as you, i knew it was coming and therefore could prepare myself mentally. I knew that if daddy...
  3. TeenMum17

    Sexing Scan

    congatulations hunnyy :)
  4. TeenMum17

    *PRAMS - What's everyone getting?*

    Im getting - for a girl and...
  5. TeenMum17

    When did your partner start feeling your baby kick?

    mum felt for the first time on saturday actually haha this was when i turned 21 weeks, it felt like tiny little flutters against your hand, it was so amazing cause it was the first time i had felt it on my stomach aswell x
  6. TeenMum17

    sick of feeling ill

    i really do understand how awful it is. I was bedridden from weeks 6-14 and spent my days being sick, crying or konked out from anti-sickness meds or exhaustation. Remember the beauty thats coming out from all the hardness of this and keep your mind on that xx
  7. TeenMum17

    sick of feeling ill

    aww i feel for you hun; like you i suffered up to 14 weeks but i promise you it does pass! Im 21 weeks now and couldnt feel better (apart from the backache haha) but i guess its just all a part of pregnancy. Toast and water were a saviour for me, and even if you cant eat remember to be drinking...
  8. TeenMum17

    Joining Tri 2 today.

    Congratulations + Welcome (: x
  9. TeenMum17

    Strange feelings/movement in Tummy

    hey hun i had flutterings very low down and very early around 12-14 weeks aswell. I was convinced it was the baby but everyone told me i was mad and blamed it on wind. Perhaps it could be the baby but if you felt the same movement at the top of the stomach the next day it probably was gas/wind xxx
  10. TeenMum17

    He Is A Banana!!!!!

    ahhh im a banana tomorrow! lool i think i am anyways but i know what your saying, its the thought that there is a little baby the size of a banana inside of you nuts!
  11. TeenMum17

    woop woop! Further on than i thought

    Congratulations Hunny :) I know how amazing isit to see LO bouncing around, it becomes all so real doesnt it? x
  12. TeenMum17

    I can see my tummy moving!

    wow that must be amazing! :D
  13. TeenMum17

    Does it feel real for you yet?

    no way does it feel real yet which sounds so silly seeing as i look about 8 months gone already aha. I feel baby moving and kicking all night and ive got my gender scan next week. It just seems so surreal that in a few meer months im going to be someone else's mum and i dont think it has fully...
  14. TeenMum17

    anyone a single mum?

    im about to become a single mum, deffinately not planned but its just something i guesss we have to deal with aye?
  15. TeenMum17

    New here! (well, sort of)

    congratulations Amy :) Your due 5 days after me aha x