daisy has her deep growly monster noise which very funny or her light lovely talking voice although she has only mastered baba when she waves no mum or dada yet
daisy had the thing when the muscles round ribs suck right in also at throat u could see it she was also making a grunting noise especially after trying to feed which a common symptom[exerstion from breathing] they also tire so quickly they dont feed properly and can vomit alot of what goes down
daisy had at xmas 21 babies admitted in 2 days she was sent home with sats of 93 because she was healthiest was horrid week people should read up on it and no what to look out for
daisy on 3meals a day im not one to fanny about lol she has milk on waking then snoozes few hours the has brekkie about 11 she has her bottle i leave her lunch till about one so there always a few hours inbetween she sooooo loving food:)
i had ultrasound befor clomid but this from gp if clomid hadnt of worked id have then gone on for further testin but i fell on 3rd cycle best of luck to you
when she pushing you away wait an few mins then keep trying she may just be being a bugger also change positions and swap breasts if she still kicking off go do something go for a walk with her then try again and if things dont improve have a chat with hv
daisy sleeps thru in her bouncer screams in her cot work in progress lol she now on mushys and loving it as long as it not bland she likes a bit of flavour in her food
she doesnt roll yet but does chatter alllllllll the time and laughs after her dinner lunch n brekkie which amuses me
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