Recent content by roxi

  1. R

    Not supposed to be saying this...but we are team.......

    Thanks! Yes it is hard to keep it quiet, have nearly slipped up loads already :lol: But it is so lovely knowing, it's made me feel much more connected with her.
  2. R

    Not supposed to be saying this...but we are team.......

    Thanks everyone, I am so excited!!
  3. R

    What is the best bit about being pregnant?

    Feeling her move, and knowing I am going to have another wonderful daughter. And yes, the love I feel already is amazing!
  4. R

    Not supposed to be saying this...but we are team.......

    PINK!! Yay, I am so excited, I really wanted a second girl. Although H had his heart set on a boy, but he is thrilled too. We have told MIL and SIL but that's it, we've told everyone else we didn't find out. I just had to tell someone though :dance:
  5. R

    everybodies boys names theve picked

    If this baby is a boy we think we will call him Jacob Harry. It's the name we chose when I was pregnant but we had a girl. But now I don't love it anymore, I like it, but not enough I don't think. But H is very dead set. I really like Oliver Harry George Harry So I will work on him lol!
  6. R

    everybodys list of girl names theve picked

    I already have a Ruby Jane. If this one is a girl it she will be called Emma Rose. I also really love (but H has vetoed) Eve Eva Evie Scarlett Violet
  7. R

    Had my 12 week scan today

    Thanks. I have 2 pics, but no scanner at the mo. I will try and get a decent pic on my phone tomorrow and upload them that way.
  8. R

    Had my 12 week scan today

    And all is well! Yay! And for an extra yay, I am actually 13+6 :good: We saw baby jumping around, waving and opening his/her mouth. So amazing! The sonographer said by measurements I am 13+6 with EDD of 30th September but the print out said 13+5 and 1st October. Now it's only a day I know, but...
  9. R

    Movement at 12 weeks?

    Ooh mine is at 10 too, a great time. Early enough to not spend a lot of time panicking about it, but not too early that everything is a rush! You'll love it, it's so great and surreal but amazing too!
  10. R

    Movement at 12 weeks?

    Heehee, well if I'm totally honest I thought I could feel it at 10-11 weeks but told myself not to be do silly!
  11. R

    Movement at 12 weeks?

    Oooh so may be baby then! Yay! I am so excited but also a bit freaked out as I know exactly what is growing inside me if that makes sense? Lol, very random I know. Annie, might be your baby too then, is this your first? Good luck with your scan, what time is it?
  12. R

    Had my scan

    Aww sorry you are so ill, but great news about the scan!x
  13. R

    Movement at 12 weeks?

    Hi all, I am 12+2 with my second baby and I'm sure I can feel movement. It's definately not wind, almost like a muscle twitch, but really faint. I felt my first at 13 weeks (I think, that's what I told myself it was lol). I have my scan on Wednesday and I keep thinking what if baby has died...
  14. R

    Sex - Does it cause miscarriage?

    I've been advised by mw not to, but that's because of reccurent miscarriages. With my first (and I mc before her) we did it in the first tri, but as I have had 3 now we have decided to wait.I think more than anything it's because it may cause spotting, so it's more for my mental well being than...
  15. R

    I had my early scan today!

    thanks everyone! But which dates do I use? Obviously I want mine which means I am 7+3 but scan date is 6+4. What dates did you all use after an early scan?