Recent content by Riot_Grrrl

  1. R


    i had to get some work done on a back tooth last week and my butcher of a dentist must think i'm made of rubber. he pulled my lips into all sorts of shapes and i now look like the joker! this has given me 2 cracking coldsores. Anyone know of a quick way to get rid of these. I hate looking like...
  2. R

    A bit of fun! :o)

    Two names you go by: only 2!!!! 1. Mammy 2. Fatty Two things you are wearing right now: 1. Yellow nightie 2. Knicky knacky noos Two of your favourite things to do: 1. Family time 2. Sexy time Two things you want very badly at the moment: 1. My very sick cousin to get better 2. A large...
  3. R

    Petition for babies to have an echocardiogram after birth!

    My son Tyler had Kawasaki disease when he was 18 mnths and as this disease can cause aneurysms, he was given an echocardiogram and even though the kawasaki's hadn't affected the heart the consultant found that Tyler was missing a valve and had a narrowed and leaking Aorta which he had had since...
  4. R

    All packed and ready to go......

    Oh Sarah she s the spitting image of you, does everyone say this? xx
  5. R

    What do you wear in bed?

    i'm nekkid, don't know what OH wears i moved the kids into my bed and he moved out. Which suits me fine, he could be wearing a silk babydoll for all i care
  6. R

    Chat room

    i can't find, will someone post me a link pwease x found it :oops:
  7. R

    Are 2nd labours quicker?

    for me yes i've had 4 labours and they get quicker each time, my last one was 3 minutes, he was born after 1 contraction still in the amniotic sac. the little imp is making up for it now though :roll:
  8. R

    Night feeds (Bottle)

    My Kobi has 2 8oz feeds during the night, i breastfed my other three children on demand and co slept, so formula feeding/times is all new to me i just do what i know best which is to feed my baby whenever he wants it xx yes i am so tired i could chew my own arm off xx
  9. R

    Dancing on Ice 2009 Official Chat Thread!!!

    hands up who fancies Donal..**raises hand**
  10. R

    WPDC I'm so excited

    OH just told me i'm starting to look like Jocky Wilson :oops:
  11. R

    the new Dr who?

    i wouldn't mind being stuck in there wuth the two of you :wink:
  12. R

    the new Dr who?

    there was talk about the new DR being a woman, but i think that idea was quashed..i hear James McAvoy is in the running :D
  13. R

    WPDC I'm so excited

    World professional darts championships start in 5 mins :cheer: this is the highlight of my year!!! for the next 7 days i wont be answering any PM's :shakehead: i'm so excited it's given me a runny bum..
  14. R

    WOOOO! Monopoly Night!

    oh jade i thought i was sad getting excited for celeb BB tonight..we are both saddos :hug:
  15. R

    tv program help please!!

    it's ace of cakes it's on the food network channel and it's been on most of the day today..and tonight!! xx