Recent content by gemmum

  1. G

    Going to work for a few quid

    i didn't go back but like you say it's nice to have your financial independance. I now work from home with my 2 and it works well. give me spending money and pays for treats and holidays for all of us. Perhaps you could have a look into earning a bit of cash working from home. I'm an...
  2. G

    I used to post on here AGES ago!!!

    Hi :wave: my names gemma and i'm 25. I posted on here for a while whilst i was pregnant with my youngest daughter abigial and she is 13m now!!!! I just can't believe where the time goes, lol. I live in west yorkshire with my dh and our 2 daughters; katie 26m and Abigail 13m. I have also...
  3. G


    I am glad your son is now well it must have been terrrible when he was in hospital so long. I had pre-eclampsia in my first preg too and my daughter was delivered at 36 weeks I was very lucky though she was 6ld 2oz and healthy. I am now 28 weeks preg with #2 and i must admit it is one of my...
  4. G

    What do you call your bump?

    With my first preg we didn't know the sex of our baby and my husband started calling it "stumpy" and after the 20 week scan where she stretched her legs out for all to see ...proving that she wasn't stumpy at all, it just seemed to stick. This preg he keeps calling the bump "stumpy 2". I...
  5. G

    Bad Midwife? Or am i jumping the gun?

    It sound's pretty similar to my experience of midwifes, sorry. We don't have many appintments if everything is going well and the appointments at the antenatel clinic ae only allocated 5 min slots. This is were they check the baby's heart beat, mothers blood pressure and urine. I had my first...
  6. G


    I saw it. I thought some of the pictures were amazing, but how do they film in the womb, that must be risky. The twins looked really amazing too. Yeah amazing is the only word that i can think of. That guy talking over it really annoyed me towards the end though...must be my...
  7. G

    Pre-term Labour & Pre-Eclampsia in First Pregnancy

    I just wondered if there were any mums who had had pre-eclampsia in their fist preg or had experieced pre-term labour and if so what there second pregnancy's had been like? I started contracting at 32 weeks and was admitted I was given nifedepine(sp?) and the steriod injections and luckly...
  8. G

    Very early symptoms or just wishful thinking???

    All the things you say sound like preg symptoms but like you say it is easy to start imagining them. Hopefuly your not. With my first preg my sore boobs were the first symptom around 3 weeks after conception. With my second preg I knew from V early... I could recognise that "feeling" from...
  9. G

    Bad, Bad Headaches

    Sorry I can't really help as I have not experienced bad headaches. I know you are safe to take paracetamol though. I do remember reading that it is just one of the many hormonal side effects of pregnancy. Yours sound to be particularly bad so it maybe an idea to speak to your...
  10. G

    had my 21+5 scan today

    I love the name katie (obviously!), our daughter is called Katie Eleanor. We like a few but are still undecided we used our favourite 2 already. We like Rebecca, Sarah & Amy, I've not started going through the books yet though. I've never been weighed at doctors / hospital so I guess they...
  11. G

    had my 21+5 scan today

    Yes my little girl bump is moving around loads. It's different second time aswell coz I'm not as worried. I can remember how the movements get stronger and more like stretches than kicks/punches I'm looking forward to that. There s nothing more reassuring though than a good kick!! I bet...
  12. G

    epidural worries

    My advice would be to see how it goes as it varies so much from person to person. I didn't set out a rigid plan as you are just setting yourself up to fail and you never know how the situation will unfold. I used gas and air and had 1 shot of pethedine at around 6cm with my first...
  13. G

    had my 21+5 scan today

    Glad all went well at your scan. How old are your other children? I had my scan the other week and I'm having another little girl I have 1 daughter who's 9 months old. I think it's nice they'l be so close in age. It does mean that I can't go pink clothes shopping though as we have them all...
  14. G

    When do the stretchmarks come?

    with my fisrt preg i only noticed them on my boobs whilst i was preg. After she was born though they appeared everywhere hips, belly, bum thighs. Sorry but it's true that you really don't mind. she is worth every single line. And they arn't as bad as it sounds they have already faded away to...
  15. G


    Hi all, Just wanted to share how excited I am with my little bump moving around. It gets harder and more active every day! I just love lying their at bedtime and felling it kick and summersault around. I remember from my first pregnancy what it feels like at the end, you can feel (and...