Recent content by emz1980

  1. emz1980

    Baby Joseph's Autosy results

    So sorry you didnt find out what you needed to, RIP baby Josephine xxx
  2. emz1980

    My precious baby born sleeping 1/4/12

    So sorry to read about your loss :hugs: xxx
  3. emz1980

    Confused and Unhappy :(

    Just read this post, sorry for your loss :hugs:
  4. emz1980

    Peanut's Due Date :(

    Big hugs xxx
  5. emz1980

    Very slow rising HCG. Is miscarriage inevitable?

    So sorry no idea, but didnt want to read and run. I hope it works out for u, fingers x xxxx
  6. emz1980

    Cant quite believe i am posting in here...

    Aaarrrwwww how exciting!!! Congrats xxx
  7. emz1980

    When did your little one start walking?

    Alfie is walking on own now and he is 14months, my daughter was only 9 months thought so they are all individualxxx
  8. emz1980

    MrsNumsNums labour watch**

    Aww good luck hun xxx
  9. emz1980

    Orlando Ronald Mcglinchey's birth story 1.1.12

    Awww congrats xxxx
  10. emz1980

    Ive had our baby!

    Awww congratulations and what a good size!! Well done xxx Hopefully you can come home soon xxx
  11. emz1980

    Orlando and his scan

    Awww isnt he gorgeous!!! Well done u xxx
  12. emz1980

    Should I be here?

    How exciting!!! :)
  13. emz1980

    Early labour (I think)

    How exciting, loads of new year babies on their way or arrived!!! :)
  14. emz1980

    flaxen labour watch

    Arrrrr Congratulations xxx