Recent content by dwizzlex10

  1. dwizzlex10

    12 Week Scan!

  2. dwizzlex10

    Is everybody fed up?

    I'm Fed with the back pain that i'm experience :-)
  3. dwizzlex10

    Snacks for hospital bag?

    Take water, cereal bars and fruit.
  4. dwizzlex10

    my husband is too tired to bd!

    awww cheer up...i feel your pain.. you two need to have a talk about this. if he wants you to get pregnant, hes going to have bd on Thursdays, if thats when you ovulate. Are you sure he wants you to get pregnant? i find it kind of odd hes tired every Thursday.
  5. dwizzlex10

    so proud of my little boy

    yayy! Drake.
  6. dwizzlex10

    Really, really, really, REALLY bad gas!! (TMI)

    I had the same thing happen while i was prego Keep a healthy level of fiber in your diet, drink lots of fluids, and be sure to take the time to go when you have to go. The more food you pump in at a sitting, the more gas you'll be pumping out.
  7. dwizzlex10


    when i started throwing up the time :-)
  8. dwizzlex10


    its been a week for me..
  9. dwizzlex10

    Doctor sent us the the hospital

    good luck!
  10. dwizzlex10


    i have them all over my back..
  11. dwizzlex10


    awwww sorry to hear that.. I hope everything is ok. keep your head up.
  12. dwizzlex10

    She won't laugh :(

    give her a little time and she'll be gigling all the time.. she is so adorable!
  13. dwizzlex10

    V Day!!!!

    oh yeah.....congrats....
  14. dwizzlex10

    Breastfeeders - just curious...

    6 months here....