Recent content by charlotte403

  1. C

    Alcohol free beer

    My OH said about it being apple juice too LOL!! He said to stick to the cider lollies. I tried the no alcohol Becks last night, it's quite nice. Kaliber is horrible though tastes like dishwater (not that I've drunk that either!). There is also some stuff a bit like Schloer called Ame that's...
  2. C

    Alcohol free beer

    I've been given the tip off that you can get alcohol free cider!! A friend at work said that their mum got it from Lidl. I've never heard of it but definately going to get some, I miss cider badly. I know they say that the new guidelines are that you should steer clear of alcohol totally but I...
  3. C

    What do we think we are having?!

    I just have such a big feeling it's a girll!
  4. C

    pregnancy calculator

    It is the first day of your last period you count from xx
  5. C

    Worried I'm feeling a bit too normal?

    Ive been feeling like that too hun. I keep thinking maybe I should do another test but I'm just being silly as I've done 2 and they were both positive. I think it's because it doesn't feel like much is going on and we don't 'look' pregnant. I had really sore boobs, so much I had trouble...
  6. C

    ANY1 DUE JAN 2008

    I'm due 8th Jan, Good Luck girlies xx
  7. C

    Anybody showing a bump at just 8 weeks.

    I am nearly six weeks and I have had to buy some bigger clothes today. I think it is also the fact that over the last week I have had a big appetite and been really bloated. I have quite a small frame, when I was pregnant before I was showing loads at 12 weeks!!
  8. C

    Heaviness in abdomen at 4 weeks

    Hiya, I know how you feel too. I had a m/c about 2.5 years ago with a previous partner. I have just found I'm nearly 6 weeks pregnant and I'm getting aches and pains a bit like period pains. I keep expecting to see blood when I go to the loo but fingers crossed things are going well. I have had...
  9. C

    My symptoms (4 weeks)

    I have had the same sort of thing too hun, the funny feeling in my tummy,Hungry loads!!,Very tired and headaches. It's exciting isn't it xxx Good Luck :D
  10. C

    just wondering what my chances are....

    I had the same feelings too hun, feeling hungry all the time, period like aches in my tummy and back and my boobs are so tender!! I was a few days late and took a test yesterday and got a BFP so good luck hun sounds promising. I was told some people lose their appetite so I didn't think it would...
  11. C

    ***AVATAR HELP***

    I think I may have sorted it, it's not as hard as you think actually. Thanks anyway xx
  12. C

    ***AVATAR HELP***

    Hiya I have found an Avatar but it wont load onto my profile page, please can you help. The link is: Thanks ever so xxx