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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2011
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Hi girls :)

Had my dating scan today and have been put forward to 13+2, so will straddle Tri 1&2 for the next week. Exciting times! How is everyone doing? What should I expect from Tri 2?! x
Welcome!! Expect a slightly easier, les stressful time (well thats what I've thought of tri 2)

Seems to be a long tri, but nervs get settled and you begin to feel a bit more pregnant, and less worried about things going wrong. I've still had some wobbly days where I've worried but generlly I started to enjoy pregnancy a bit - only because I got my bump!! xx
When did you start getting your bump? I've definitely noticed a small bump but it's still affected by bloating quite a lot! Does seem like Tri 2 will last forever, but it's good that it's broken up with MW at 16&24 weeks and scan at 20 weeks...small milestones to reach! I definitely feel more relaxed after my scan (for now!) but it's so surreal not feeling pregnant. My symptoms really have gone in the last week, so getting a bump will be brilliant :) Guess it's just a case of enjoying being pregnant now and making the most of undisturbed nights of sleep! x
Im loving tri 2
Not as much worry, not as much knicker watch although im still parnoid about it.
It doesnt seem to be draggin as much, im so excited about getting my scan letter through, am looking at all kinds of baby stuff.
Bump is growing nicely and the flutters are small kicks im sure sometimes.
Enjoy it xxxx
yay welcome....time to relax and enjoy x
Welcome to tri 2 :) I feel completely normal and have done for weeks! Maybe a little more tired and emotional but that's it! It definitely helps having midwife at 16 weeks as then I an only waiting 4 weeks in between hearing baby's heartbeat. My next mw appointment is 5 weeks after my 20 week scan and will then have my 32 week scan so feel like there's little things to look forward to and less time to worry! xx
Welcome into tri 2 Hun, I don't really feel much different in tri 2 from tri 1 yet! I have no bump, no movements yet and I still feel sick! Just hoping the next few weeks fly by to my 20 week scan xx
Aww Kanga, hopefully the sickness will ease off soon. Apart from still needing more sleep than usual I now feel absolutely fine which is why it's hard to believe I'm actually pregnant! My lower abdomen has definitely become harder so hoping that's the start of a bump. Just think at the end of this trimester we'll have obvious bumps :) x
Congrats on tri2, great seeing you over here! Havent been over that long myself, but I keep hearing this trimesters the best one :)
It's crazy how much more relaxed U feel already compared to Tri 1! Maybe it's because I had scan yesterday though... hoping I don't start worrying agsin in a few weeks! It's great to finakky be able to tell people :) Does make me feel a bit like I did when doing my degree though...2nd year seemed to drag as it was right in the middle! Keep reminding myself to enjoy this time being able to do what I want though without having a little person to think about + nights without being woken up! Let's just all enjoy not feeling sick etc anymore and not worrying about labour etc yet!xx

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