Ok thanks xxx I just want the bleeding to stop now, felt so relieved this morning when i thought it had stopped...

I think the sensible approach would be to wait, but with my dr saying the only real reason they say to wait is for dating purposes, I think i might just start trying once this bleed stops? Is that silly? I just don't want to wait any longer, I waited til I was ready last time and I feel like times just flying past me all of a sudden.
Sammi I've heard so many people say they got pregnant straight away after a mc, I'm secretly hoping that it happens to me too

I dont want to risk another mc, but on the other hand there's no evidence it would cause this, and I'm just so ready to be pregnant again.... I was 7-8 weeks when I miscarried but baby was only measuring 5-6 so it was very early on. I'm hoping il recover quickly and can conceive asap xxx congratulations on ur baba by the way

xxxxx when ru due?xx