Worried!!! Bleeding in 1st trimester


New Member
Jun 28, 2013
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Hi this is my first time posting on here. Just joined today. I found out this week that I am approx 7 weeks pregnant but not sure of date cause haven't received an appointment for scan yet (just going on when last period was). I am so happy about it, have been trying for 18mths since coming off the contraceptive pill.
I'm worried though because I have experienced some bleeding tonight after having sex. Was light pink on tissue when I wiped. Didn't appear to be any sign of blood in the toilet.
Has anyone else experienced this?! I'm so worried I don't know what to do! I have no midwife to contact yet so I'm trying to decide should I go to out of hours doctor at a&e or wait to see my own doctor on Monday or am I just seriously overreacting?!
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Hi Laura
This is so common-Please don't worry. I've seen lots of ladies in tri one say they have what you described after sex and it's really nothing to worry about. For this reason some ladies just don't have sex at all in the first trimester to avoid the anxiety around it. Im sure this will subside for you. If you get any mo bleeding then maybe speak to the out of hours doctor but try not to worry xxx
If just pink you are pro. Ok some women do experiance implantation bleeding and I myself have had several pink tinged when I wipe after sex earlier on and indeed brown blood later on in preg it's because the cervix is more sensitive during pregnancy. However if you start to experiance red bleeding call the drs and ask for mw no. Also the early pregnancy clinic would be happy to see you if needed. Bleeding can be normal for some women generally brown blood or pink tinge is better. Sadly some ladies do misscarry also but the fact that its post sex and only pink I'd try not to worry for now. Get some sleep and see how things are in the morning wear a pad to bed if you want to monitor the situation big hugs tri one is a worrysome time. Xx
Thanks for the reply, you have both really eased my mind. I have already been a nervous wreck all week & seeing blood just made me ten times worse. I am definitely avoiding sex for a while, that totally freaked me out. Thanks again xx

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