Worried alot :(


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2013
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Hiya ladies

33 weeks pregnant and well when I go to the toilet and wipe it's always clear and so is my pee sorry for too much information but I've noticed in my actually pants which my black pairs have like stained a light brown pink colour?? I've not had any pains and like I said nothing when I wipe but it's really making me worried I will be calling midwife Tomo but is there anyone same or know anything???

Thankyou x
Do you mean your knickers have been stained? As in its not fresh discharge?
If they've stained it a pinky, browny kind of rust colour - it's totally normal and happens where the acid or alkaline of the discharge mixes with the black dye of the knickers and goes that colour. So nothing to worry about at all!
I'm 32+4 so just a few days behind you! X
Yeah oh god glad that's all, I've not worn black underwear for a while lol just bought some new maternity over the bump ones all black very sexy haha just panicked me, everything does the closer I get the worse I get, do you know what your having? x
These babies really do make us worry!!!
Yes I'm having a boy! It's all getting so exciting now it's so soon! It feels like the days/weeks are flying by! How about you? X
Awwwwww Is it your first? It does seems like only the other day I found out and now nearly at the end, have you got everything sorted and ready? x
Yeah my black pants all look a pinky bleached colour!

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