Work issues


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2012
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At a loss with work & it's getting me down & quite frankly ruining my life.

I can't stand being there more its really making me & my partner stressed.

Why should we have to be stressed to earn an income.

I've just got the issue with, I would have no home though.

I would love to leave & look for something else after maternity then continue life, but I just can't do it.

I've spoken to HR who having a go at me because I'm not ' performing ' even though I went to her on 4th June with issues of I can't keep up with the extra work load & other worked is getting missed. I have a performance meeting on Wednesday, they do performance meetings so you can not have anyone with you as evidence. They are not aware that I know of the above yet, but I noticed that my manger had written stuff to HR claiming these issues when HR didn't sort out my request on 4th June.

Also nothing as been done about my maternity either, no acknowledgement letter or risk assessments ?

Anything I can do ?
Are they usually good with employees taking maternity leave? Can you talk to any other employees that have gone on maternity leave to see how they were treated.

I had a similar situation with my first pregnancy, and they basically came up with ridiculous work requests, made me feel guilty for going to hospital appointments. Then when I was on maternity leave they promoted my two assistants to positions above me! I think the whole plan was for me to resign as they didnt want to hassle of having a mother in the department.

I loved my job before I had my son, but when I went back it was awful. I raised a grievance with them, but they didnt care and knew I wouldn't take them to court as my husband also worked for the company and I didn't want to jeopardise his job.

Hopefully you can sort things out x
Same that my hubby also works for the same company.

We're a very small team & I'm the 1st pregnancy in over 10 years. But they are the type to not want it, my work requests are also starting to get out of hand, even though I told them I cannot keep up they are putting it against me.

I don't mind the extra work as I prefer to be doing something, but I cannot deal with the stress of the lies & accusations etc
Also as we,, to save hassle I have booked all my maternity appointments for my days off to make it easier for them - good will on my be half - wish I never had now
I know the feeling. You should start a diary of all the little things they do and say. I was in tears weekly, it's really not fair when you are trying to stay stress free. I also advised HR in writing of any comments or actions I thought weren't right, and as they are in writing they need to keep copies on your file.

I was the first and only in the dept to have kids in the 8 years I worked there.

It is bordering on discrimination, I think these companies just rely on people being too busy with their pregnancy and new babies to do anything about it.

Good luck x
Be careful they aren't trying to push you out

Document everything and keep copies
Approach HR with firm but fair reasons as to why your workload should be examined

Should they act in appropriately- you have all your evidence ... Some employers just want pregnant employees to crumble under pressure- they don't need to pay maternity then!

Good luck- and remember this is all for the greater good- fight your corner you are in the right they are in the wrong and have a duty of care by law to look after you and bump x

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