womans mother or mans mother.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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ok i will try and put this the best way i can.
Monster in laws have proved time and time again to be pain in the arse, they interfear and seem to think they have a god given right over grandchildren, but what i want to know is is it just the mans mother that is like this or the womans too, only my mother was never like this, she would give her opinion but respected our decisions and i know with my kids i will respect any decisions they make with their own children even if i dont like it.
Both my sisters and myself have all had fallings out with the monster in law. :wall:

i tried to add a poll with no luck so if anyone knows how let me know as the option isnt working for me.
My MIL is the same.... a right pain in the arse!

My mother doesnt interfere at all.
My MIL is the same, although she has calmed down a lot lately (we have been together for 8 years!!)

My mum is great, she listens and will express an opinion but then lets us get on with things. I'm not sure if she would have been like this anyway but she had the same MIL problems with my Gran so she swore never to make anyone feel the way she was made to feel....

But from my general experience and my friends etc. I think that mums of boys are worse than mums of girls...
i know that my mum and my MIL can say exactly the same thing but how I respond/feel about it differes completely..... I'm used to my mum so can ignore her when she gets my back up etc but everything my MIL says irritates me as I feel she is judging me (although she isn't - it is just my perception)
in my experience my OH's mum is vile compared to my mum she interferes, trys to make out i dont know what im doing with kids and always trys to get Oh to side with her on anything and everything instead of me, whereas my mum stays out of our business and will give honest opinions no matter what and treats my OH just like her son. but on the other hand my dad does not get on with my mum's mum at all whereas my mum gets on with his mum great!! i think basically its down to personality and also family upbringing, my mil is very old fashioned in her ways whereas my mum is very modern n liberal in how she has brought us up. i think with me and my mil its just a clash of personalities she believes men are to be looked after and obeyed etc whereas i believe women are equal and i dont stand for his crap lol

I find my MIL to be a pain and my mother to be fine but OH thinks they are both as bad as each other :lol:
i know my mum wouldn't dream if interfering with my parenting unless it was putting hayden at risk..but generally shes never interfered or told me what to do. MIL on the other hand..she doesn't so much tell me what to do she ignores what i tell her about haydens routine/what he can have/can't have etc when she looks after him...she takes him to mcdonalds/burger king EVERY time she has him..she gives him ketchup which i told her he cannot have..he stays up till all hours and also when he had been out of hospital not 4 days she took him out of his buggy and let him walk a good 20 mins into town..when i got him home he slept for 15 hours and was still tired and grumpy the next day! :wall:

ugh this turned into a rant.. :( it really upsets me!
im lucky really- (i dont technically have a MIL as im not married but my boyf is like a husband to me :D)
mine is lovely- but im thinking partly thats coz she's my boyf's stepmum (his dad's 3rd wife not the evil 2nd one) and not his birth mum? :think:
i think mums are very protective over sons- i cant speak from experience tho!

i think it can be both ways round, my boyf loves my mum but her idiosyncrasies(sp?) drive him mental! :lol:
Right now my MIL is an old goat and I think my hubby would sort of agree.

My parents are great and hubby gets on fantastic with them both. My mum is always concious of our feelings and says things like "tell me if I am over stepping the mark" I don't know where we would both be if we didn't have the love and support from my parents. x
it's the other way round for me - my MIL is easy going...my mam on the other hand is a law unto herself
My MIL is fab! Never any hassle from her :D

(She lives over 7000 miles away in Bali) :rotfl:
I'm only expecting... but I''m hoping I won't be having much trouble from my MIL as she is over in the States! Funny enough she has been more excited and interested in me and babs than my own mum, I don't know what this means for the future? :think:
Mines amazing so far, dont speak to my mum anymore so yeah shes lovely !!
my MIL does my nut...she's not nasty as such, I just find her a bit of an idiot :roll: She does the classic MIL thing of feeding Beth crap when she goes round even when i say no, she's lost beth in the supermarket when she was younger (more than once :x ) and wondered why i was so bothered (silly cow...) and also spent so long talking to some random woman at the park that she forgot to watch beth and when she eventually looked round she saw that she'd stripped off (beth was only about 2 at the time, it wouldve taken her a while to do it...shows how much care she takes of my daughter when she has her, eh??) so i pretty much stopped her looking after her which is a real shame, but i dont feel i can trust her.

My FIL on the other hand is a argumentative nosey interfering old git. He's constantly putting my OH down...ordering us about...nosing through our things...He used to come round and if he aw a letter addressed to OH he'd open it! He used to answer my phones, look for things by going through all my draws... I also try to stay clear of him..

My parents are great though. Sometimes i have to remind my mum not to try and discipline Beth if im there to do it as its not her place when im around, but she gets carried away when she's been looking after her. Apart from that, she's fine :D
I must be incredibly lucky. Both my mum and my MIL are fab. neither have stuck their noses in when not wanted, offered me advice when asked and never tried to force opinions on me. Granted im only expecting at the mo but i don't imagine much will change once bubs is born. Only prob is getting them to stop trying to get everything for us!!
My MIL is lovely we get on well and she tries hard not to interfer she is so excited about her first grandchild and has brought lots of bits and is knitting her lots of cardies and things but she always asks if its ok and says if she gets too much or is interfering to say so because she doesn't want to be annoying, I think/hope she will be fine when babies here. My own family live up country and I don't see them much so I appreciate having my MIL for suport and advise alot! My DH finds my Mum quite annoying cause he doesn't think she makes the effort she should to contact me and see me etc so its abit the other way around with us!
My MIL is the same. Loves to tell me how to treat my pregnant body and what she thinks is best for baby when they are born even though she doesn't want a scan pic and doesn't seem to care, she just likes to make me feel bad and make me feel as if I won't cope and not capable of anything, I just don't listen to her any more and block her voice out when she starts.
My own mum is fab, she wouldn't dream of telling me what do but says she is there if I need advice or even if I just need a chat, she says we will find our own way as parents. But she is very excited about becoming a nana! As is my dad about being grandad!
I know its hard but you will learn to ignore her and block her out like I do, don't let her get to you :hug:

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