Woken up for the 3rd time tonight


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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With bloody heartburn :( I only get it at night a have started propping my head up a bit so it doesn't sit in my throat but that doesn't seem to work anymore l.

Nearly been sick twice and I feel like crap. I don't even have any gavison cos the first time I had it it made me ill so I got rid of it. Can't stand the texture or taste of the stuff. Currently sat in the bathroom feelin extremely sorry for myself.

Pip also now has hiccups so that's me awake for at least half an hour with that (on a positive note his hiccups are on the left again which means he had turned back round :dance:)

Got mw tomorrow (Monday) so gonna see if there is anythin other than gavison I'm allowed. I can't go on like this :(
Awww... Sorry you're suffering tonight... :(. Heartburn is a killer. Don't know whether it works, but they say a glass of (warm) milk helps relieve it a bit. Might be worth a try?
I have been up for hours... Can't sleep... Am having crampy pains... Don't think it's anything, but am trying to time them - very random, ranging from 7 to 10 mins apart. Think I will try and get some sleep just in case!
Hope you manage to get some relief from heartburn. Xx
Cheers hun. Found some strawberry gavison tablets in my handbag - equally as gross as the liquid but managed to force myself to eat two. Hopin they kick in soon so I can try and get some sleep. Probably slept for about 2 hours so far tonight cos I keep wakin up with either heartburn or Pip fidgeting.

When I went to bed he still had his back ony right, but seems to have flipped during the night. Gonna make myself a drink and was back to bed.

Hope u manage to get some sleep too hunny xx
renie tablets is what my midwife said i could take.. they have a bit of a chalky texture but i dont go anywhere without them as they are my hero lol.. give them a go if u get chance to go and get some huni.. x
:( poop isn't it!!! I think you can get chewable rennie so less chalky. I hate gaviscon too although I've only ever taken tablets.

Hope your mw has a cure x x
My lo always gets hic ups at silly times ! I had them about 12:30 , 4:30 and now (6:00) I never used to feel them till his/her head engaged . I hate waking up whilst my partner sleeps like a brick , I really want to wake him ! I also hate heartburn :( no cure to tell unfortunatly ! Xxx 34+4 Hannah
I know just how you feel have heartburn loads in the day but OMG it's AWFUL at night....just said to DH before I read this I am going to have to go and see gp if carries on it's awful.....so you have my sympathy !
Rennies are my best friend and really work also you can have as many as you want as they won't harm you or baby!!! Also you can get them in spearmint peppermint or fruit xxx
I like rennie so will def grab some of those when I'm out today. Managed to drift off about 6ish only to be woken up with more hiccups at half 6!! Little monkey pants keepin mummy awake!
I use Rennie and Rennie deflatine. It has definitely helped, but also not laying completely flat helps too. xx
Poppy I do have an extra pillow now. Never used to. Found that helps but last night was the worst it's ever been. Oh the joys of pregnancy! Lol!
chewable rennie or ask the doc for omeprazole, i have those and i adore them and theyre perfectly safe in tri 3
I quite rate Asdas own version of Gaviscon! Its a lot cheaper too and I felt it worked so much better. Still tastes like crap though lol x
i get this all the time and it is so frustrating. i have been using rennie, liquid gaviscon and morrisons own chalk tablets (which are nice and fruity). it also helped when the midwife explained that these things should be taken after meals and before going to bed (as instructed on the packet doh!) not just as and when needed. felt like an idot for not realising this but its worked.
Bought a big box of rennie up the street today. Roll on bedtime! Lol!

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