Wind (as in weather)


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Does it freak anyone else out??? I can handle any sort of inclement weather but i HATE strong winds!! It sounds like the bloody house is gonna blow down! Next two days we have 70mph winds forecast. :roll:

Am I a wimp or is there weather that scares you more than gale force winds?? :shock:
Wind doesn't bother me although we don't get strong wind! If I'm home alone then lightening scares me! My mind starts to play tricks and I start thinking that it's gonna strike my house! Also hate snow!! It's very pretty but I'm scared stiff of driving in it!
Abit of an opposite but my favourite sound is trickling rain. I love lying in bed in the warm and hearing it outside! Tim thinks I'm a freak because of it! Lol
I'm with you on the rain thing. Snow I used to be scared of driving in it but now I live in the arse end of nowhere in Northern Ireland I have do brave driving in it! I think thunderstorms are cool, I used to live opposite a harbour and I loved seeing the lightning reflecting in the water. Strange how different weather sets us on edge eh :blush:
It feels here (in the bloomin mountains :roll:) that the house will do a a 'wizard of oz' very shortly :lol: I hate it :( always think the roof will come off! I've to feed the dogs now too before dark and I'm dreading going out :oooo:
HI M!!!!! Where have you been and how are you? :hug: we are getting our garage built (still) and I've had to lift breeze blocks on top of all our stuff to stop it taking off!!!
when i saw wind i thought "THIS IS A THREAD FOR ME".. then i saw weatther :wall: n thought oh well i might aswell pop in n say hi :wave:

i love wind, snow, rain, sun.. bring it on!
:lol: well you can discuss the other type of wind if you want, I'm only scared of that type after o/h has eaten curry
something is going on as the last week demba has threaten me with sleepin on the sofa, n tbh.. i cant blame him! :cry:
Well in that case I think someone upstairs has drank too much coke cos it's serious here, :-( I wish o/h was here, not that he could do much but still........
I'm in north west scotland, and its scaring me tonight, last night was bad but right now feels like my windows are going to blow in, we are forecast 80-90mph gusts tonight, we are pretty used to it up here but eeek hate the noise, power went off when I was just about to eat my tea earlier
The winds wild here Jayne, no way am I venturing out until it's gone x
The seal on our front door is well dodgy and the wind is howling thru, sounds like ghosts!!! The cat in his infinate wisdom has decided to go outside, he'll be regretting that one big time!!x
It's not letting up eh :roll:

I'm improving hun, slow but sure :) How are you? :hug:
It's bloody relentless.

Glad you are on the mend, it's been a horrid time for you :-(

I'm pretty shell-shocked. I never thought life would deal me such a horrible blow(s). I know I will pick myself up again, I can't just sit and dwell. Today's been quite good but the past 2 days have been horrific (putting it mildly). But there we go, what doesn't break us makes us stronger and all that x
:hug: I lost my sister when I was 10 (she was 6, RTA) hun so I feel your pain :( A totally horrific time for you all :cry: You're never far from my thoughts xxx
Oh how awful :cry:! And I'm sure you and your parents have never really gotten over that :hug: why do such awful things happen? It's all too sad to comprehend.
When I was in england a woman who lived in the same county as my parents lost all 4 of her kids in a house fire (think it made national news) and she was the only survivor. How will she ever even begin to come to terms with it? My great grandad was convinced that this is hell, and that we will all go to a better place, he lost 2. Daughters in one week :-( xx
There is a steep and large embankment right opposite our house that has loads of trees on it, it goes up to some woods. The wind scares the bejeezus out of me at night, not just the noise of the wind in the trees, but thinking a tree might blow down onto the roof!

Didnt sleep much last night :oooo:
Jayne is it still bad where you are? I swear it nearly takes you off your feet here :oooo:

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