Why is bottle milk warm?


Jan 8, 2009
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Hi ladies - bit of an odd question - My Fiance has heard from a friend who has triplets that they feed their babies using formula and cold water from the tap because they have three to feed and their babies have never known warm milk as they were never breastfed - so my Fiance is quite liking this idea for us to try (if I don't end up breastfeeding) but I'm not as keen - I'm sure having 3 babies it would make sense but we are only having the one - can anyone tell me why formula milk should be warm? Is it just so it's like breast milk or is there another reason??? :?
thats ridiculous#!!!

1. Formula wont mix with cold water
2. you have to use boiled water, cooled until they are really 1 but certainly at the newborn stage. babies tummies cant handle the harsh chemicals we use to treat water.
3. babies often prefer it warm - like you like hot meals! and its easier to digest.

Id strongly not recommend using cold tap water when you have your baby!!!

If you want a quicker route this is what i did. always keep a jug of boiled water in the fridge so its sterile then when you want to make a bottle. fill the bottle to the required amount of water from your boiled fridge water. warm it in the microwave for 30 secs then add the scoops and mix.

However when he was a newborn i always did it as required on the tin just to be safe when he was so tiny and vulnerable.

Another technique is to make the bottles up, put them in the fridge then warm when needed with a bottle warmer (or microwave although your not suppose to :shhh: jsut give it a good shake after to get rid of hotspots)
It is easier to digest warm then cold. Plus formula isn't sterile and isn't it advised to mix it up with a certain temp water for that?
It is easier to digest warm then cold. Plus formula isn't sterile and isn't it advised to mix it up with a certain temp water for that?
I wouldn't recommend using tap water to make up bottle, at least when baby is small. Formula mixes better in warm water and because it isn't sterile mixing it with cold water may make them ill :(

If you want a quicker route this is what i did. always keep a jug of boiled water in the fridge so its sterile then when you want to make a bottle. fill the bottle to the required amount of water from your boiled fridge water. warm it in the microwave for 30 secs then add the scoops and mix.

However when he was a newborn i always did it as required on the tin just to be safe when he was so tiny and vulnerable.

Another technique is to make the bottles up, put them in the fridge then warm when needed with a bottle warmer (or microwave although your not suppose to :shhh: jsut give it a good shake after to get rid of hotspots)

I agree with all of this. I stopped following the rules to a tee at about 4 months and made bottles up in advance with the water and then added powder from the TT powder dispensers. Now I just make a bottle up and put it in the fridge and microwave it when she's ready.
I make my bottles up for the next day just before i go to bed and store in the fridge
In the morning and at night i pop one in the microwave to take the chill off, but my LO actually likes it cold so has it chilled or room temp during the day

Must be made up with boiled water tho' as its sterile !! What would be the point of sterilising your bottles if you use plain old cold tap water :think:
when my three went onto formula I always used bottled water at room temp. They weren't newborn though.
I havent done things by the book with the bottles but i definately wouldnt consider using tap water!

I sterilise all bottles, boil the water and fill all the bottles to an oz less than what i need. When it comes to feed time i boil the water and add the extra oz to make it warm and then add the formula. Ollie will take bottles at any temperature though.

Claire x

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