why don't they understand 'time off'


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2005
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Just need to have a moan about my ex-employers - since going self employed I've been working freelance for them but i really feel like just telling them to piss off completely.

I officially started maternity leave on 2nd Dec and asked if they would email rather than phone me in an emergency because bed rest made it difficult answering the phone - still got at least 3 phone calls every day

I had my section last friday, sent out a birth announcement email on tuesday to all my clients asking politely that they limit phone calls to emergencies only, and informing them that I'd answer emails as quickly as possible, but it may take a couple of hours. A few clients have phoned to say congratulations, and not to worry, they won't disturb me until my maternity leave finishes end of next week.

Not my ex-employers though - I've had 8 phone calls today, mostly about pretty minor stuff that they could sort out amongst themselves, and now they have the nerve to send me a bitchy email wondering why i've taken the phone off the hook - for gods sake, don't they understand i'd like to spend some time with the family / catch up on sleep / give my wound chance to repair .... I thought 2 weeks off after the birth was being more than reasonable

Moan over

Tracy xx
you're only having 2 weeks off after the birth??? you mad woman!! :lol:
they're out of order though, tell them to bugger off (in a nice way of course - you don't want them to bugger off for ever!!)
2 weeks? They should consider themselves very lucky that you will be going back so soon. I can't imagine feeling up to going back after 2 weeks, you are very brave. Especially considering you had a section and it's a major operation. Hope things go well for you :)
tell them to p*** off... how dare they!!!! Are they brain dead... sorry getting really annoyed at the insensitivity of them... 2 weeks off is not much to ask for... I wouldn't have offered to answer e,mails. If you went away on holiday for 2 weeks they wouldn't contact you and this is 100 x more important.... look after yourself.. ignore their e,mails for the time being! In fact get your OH to e,mail them back saying you need bed rest and will contact them in a week.

grrrrrrrrrrr i just been shouting at my pc reading that... christ there pushing it.... ignore all emails and phone call, and if they do any thing sue them.... they cant do that.
Well, after another 5 months of it, I finally told them to 'sort their own shit out' on Friday.

All their systems went down on Thurday, 500 clients who weren't very happy. What did they do - take their phones out of the sockets, leave the office at 5pm on the dot and let clients to resort to ringing me until 2am to find out what was going on :evil: . I'm expecting an influx of new clients next week :wink:
Assholes!! :shock:

Are you happy about getting more clients or do you have enough to deal with at the mo? What is it that you do? (if you don't mind me being nosy?)
Most of the clients are all set up, it's just a case of transferring stuff and being on hand for technical support, which I do for them anyway because the company I used to wrk with don't have a clue!!! It just means I'll get paid by the client instead of the company, and because there won't be a middle man marking up prices by 500%, client will be saving and I'll be earning a bit more.

My official job title is 'freelance web developer' - I build websites, intranets and extranets, and look after servers, and help with any IT problems clients have, like why their printer isn't working :?
Good for you hun - about time you told them where to stick it! I remember not being able to beleive what I was reading when you first posted about it! They really took the biscuit there.
good for you! can't believe you lasted 5 months... contacting someone at 2am is just totally out of order... i'd pop voice mail on and out of office on my e-mails... what can be so important that can't be fixed at a reasonable hour...

Hayley, I don't mind MY clients phoning at 2am, it's a downside of the job and doesn't happen often. THEIR clients were phoning me until 2am because they'd switched the phone system off and weren't letting people know what was going on - everyone that phoned me said all they needed was a message on the ansaphone saying the systems were down and were being worked on. Apparantly, it was my own fault for having a website that comes up as a search result for my name :?: :?: - not their fault for not knowing what customer service is :evil:

Yesterday, the MD called demanding an apology for me swearing at him, or they would no longer work with me - don't think they got the message on Friday :? After that, their staff were calling all day, as usual, 'how do I do this?' I switched the ansafone on at 2pm, it was full by 5pm - no messages, just background noise for 10 minutes at a time. At 5.30pm, I got a lovely long email, started off very nice - 'please reconsider, we'll pay you more', 'you know we've been looking for somebody to replace you since you left, but they all want £50 an hour and we can't afford it', and ended with 'we'll be taking legal advice' (on the issue of clients wanting to transfer). Mmmmmmmmm sinking ships spring to mind :lol: :think:
Sounds like they know they're in the sh*t. And if clients come to you because of their bad service then you can't stop them. They haven't got a leg to stand on!!
check your contract with them if u have one and make sure there is no clause in there about taking clients, as when my hubby started self employed his employers had put in contact that no clients could be contacted until 12 months following closure of contract, this also included if they contacted him.
So be careful as they could take you to court if you are poaching their clients, i have known this done even without a contract, as they have claimed loss of earning.

Think you are deffo better off with out them tho!!
You should have a look at Ryze its a business networking forum, so people can promote thier businesses and find others and cross promote etc.
I'm seeing a solicitor on Thursday with all my paperwork. From a quick chat this morning, I have more to claim against them than they do from me, but I'm holding off on anything until I've seen him
Hi tracy, i just stumbled on this post and am so gobsmacked that they could treat you this way.
It's disgusting, i mean if you were stacking shelves in tesco would they phone and ask where the beans went??????

Anyway how did you get on when you saw the soliciter?
sorry for being nosey but i am intrigued now :D
Thanks Jo

I've sent you a PM - it's looking good for me, but don't want to put it on here cos I know they're nosey, and they've got a surprise coming their way :wink: .

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