whos been to a psychic? update - i'm back!


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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well i'm still sceptical :lol:

she was nice, and not scary! she told me a few things which were spot on - about aiden, how he has big blue eyes, good sleeper etc, she also mentioned that there's something on my mind about a court case just now (anyone seen my post in adult the other day :lol:) she is convinced john and i will move to australia in the next 6 years, thats something we speak about a lot. she also asked who mary was (my mum and gran) and told me that a lady will die soon and mary will be very sad.. :|

she was also correct about john and his job, she said that he's fed up of it and he will end up going out in his own.. (he's very annoyed with his job now as he doesn't have enough to do. she told me that john was agood man and a great dad (very true!) and that we will be together forever and have a baby girl and there will be an 18-24 month gap between her and aiden, but she will be our last child :( :lol:

she mentioned a lot of names which i didn't know and asked me to look out for them. she also kept going on about us buying a house (we weren't planning to for at least 4 years..) and seemed to think we would be coming into some money soon and buying a house. she gave me lottery numbers :roll: and asked me to put them on.

i did enjoy it but i still don't know if i came any closer to believing/not believing.. :lol: what do you all think?? xx


there's one in my town who is supposed to be really good. my friend went to her the other night and she mentioned names/surnames which were all relevant and a lot of things she just couldn't have guessed.

i was speaking to my mum last night and mentioned it and she also said her and my aunties had been to her about 17 years ago when i was about 3 :lol: she also said she was really good, and my mums not into that kind of thing.

i guess i am quite sceptical and also quite nervous about it, maybe there's some things i wouldn't want to know. i'm unsure whether to give her a phone and go. she's supposed to be a proper psychic, like none of the rubbish, you just go to her house and she gives you a reading. infact, she wouldn't read a friend of mines because she could tell she was pregnant and didn't want to be reading the baby by mistake..

what do you all think?
I haven't but my best mate has and they told him a lot of stuff that was really relevant that he just couldn't have known. I've wanted to go but never got round to it .
widowwadman said:

I haven't been and I wouldn't.

but how could she possibly guess (this is from my friends reading,) that she was going on holiday next march, she asked if she was flying out on the 5th, she said, no the 4th, and the women said, oh well i'm getting the 5th.. she then said, i see machester and york has something to do with your holiday? lesley didn't pick it up at this point but she's flying from manchester to new YORK..

i duno, maybe we're just doing that thing where she says something and you MAKE it fit around you.. :think:
Well, but that's exactly how cold reading works - reading the responses and quickly reacting.
Guessing the airport for example is fairly easy by deduction- I mean how many international airports are near where your friend lives? Also the "oh, well, I'm getting the 5th" is basically just a guess. If you want the reading to be true, you'd probably be happy with a "oh, I'm getting the 14th" or 24th, or any other date which happens to be the same weekday as the real date of travel.
iv never been to one, my mum did before i was born and it freaked me out...

she told my mum she was pregnant and would have a miscarriage, my mum was like yeah whatever, im not pg etc - then she found out she was and miscarried a few weeks after. thats TOO weird :talkhand:
widowwadman said:
Well, but that's exactly how cold reading works - reading the responses and quickly reacting.
Guessing the airport for example is fairly easy by deduction- I mean how many international airports are near where your friend lives? Also the "oh, well, I'm getting the 5th" is basically just a guess. If you want the reading to be true, you'd probably be happy with a "oh, I'm getting the 14th" or 24th, or any other date which happens to be the same weekday as the real date of travel.

Thats a bit harsh!!!
With regards to the airport, considering she is in Glasgow - I'm sure Manchester airport would just pop into mind, I mean it is only 100's of miles away!
i am sceptical but i do believe that there are some REAL psychics out there, i just don't know whether to go incase she makes up a load of sh*te and i get scared :rotfl:

this womens clearly been doing it for years though, she does it in her house, she runs a spiritualist church in our town every wednesday night and she doesn't charge :think:
SarahH said:
Thats a bit harsh!!!
With regards to the airport, considering she is in Glasgow - I'm sure Manchester airport would just pop into mind, I mean it is only 100's of miles away!

Sorry, don't mean to be harsh. I'm just an old cynic.
I have been and I am quite sceptical. I won't share what I was told but believe me when I say there is no way he could have know what he told me. No one knows, and it was detailed. And I didn't say a word to him, not a nod of the head or anything.

On the other hand i've been to a couple of others that were shit and i didn't believe a word they said :?
As a non-practising spiritualist reader I guess I have to say that yeah I believe lol. You do have to be very careful as there are a lot of fakes/cold readers out there though and I would recommend looking into a spiritualist church as they don't charge a fee as such but do accept donations, just like any church.

When I have my own readings I tend not to have one done in my own town or if I do I go to psychic fairs and I pick whatever one I feel drawn to.

It can be very comforting, but please be very careful too.

Sarah xxx
There are a lot of cold readers out there - but they are easy to spot. A cold reader will start off with random things that make no sense, and then once they find something you relate to, things will make more sense as they find a train of thought that works. They will watch your body language and take cues from your appearance, age, accent etc.

A genuine psychic will not throw random questions at you, making you do the reading for you, they will just "know"

Cold readers are rife in the phsychic community, but it certainly doesn't mean every psychic is doing this. There are a lot of very genuine and gifted people out there!
on my 18th birthday i went to see one, and it was a horrible experience. He guessed i was going away to uni, (right) he guessed i was having relationship problems (right) he then went on to say me and my then boyfriend would split up within a year (wrong) and that id fall in love with an older guy (wrong) id have a very very tough year (wrong) and said older guy will take advantage and i would get hurt badly..... (WRONG)

i actually left crying my eyes out. Took me weeks to get over the things he said. (how stupid i was to let it effect me like that)

he was full of bollocks quite frankly, and ive swore sinse ill never go and get one done again!
Red_Fairy said:
on my 18th birthday i went to see one, and it was a horrible experience. He guessed i was going away to uni, (right) he guessed i was having relationship problems (right) he then went on to say me and my then boyfriend would split up within a year (wrong) and that id fall in love with an older guy (wrong) id have a very very tough year (wrong) and said older guy will take advantage and i would get hurt badly..... (WRONG)

i actually left crying my eyes out. Took me weeks to get over the things he said. (how stupid i was to let it effect me like that)

he was full of b***ocks quite frankly, and ive swore sinse ill never go and get one done again!

:( sorry you had a bad experience hun :hug:
Ive been and the woman I seen told me stuff there was no way she could know!! me and the girls are planning on going back b4 christmas as our christmas night out (so to speak) she was really good.. its like everything tho there is good ones, bad ones and fake ones!!
I've been to a few, one really really good one (could be the same woman as she is from the Glasgow area!).

My mum went to the same lady when I was tiny and she freaked my mum out by pulling facial expressions that mirrored me. She didn't say anything bad about me, but my mum said she had my expressions off to a tee.

My mum didn't tell me this before I went as a kind of test. When I walked into the room (there were 5 of us having readings at my Aunts house, and I was first in) she started coughing and hitting her chest. She said to me "Got that's a bad bad chest you've got, how is your Asthma?" Well I almost passed out cold on the floor! I hadn't even sat down yet!

She went on to tell me lots of things that she couldn't have known, and sealed my belief in her abilities when I mentioned my foster brother - she had an exorcist moment and said "GET HIM OFF THE DRUGS!!!"......he's a smack head down south somewhere.

I believe, but I believe that there are only a few out there who are truely gifted and a lot of fakers that jump on the band wagon.
Ive been to some good ones and havent encountered any fakes yet.

Though ive just won a bid on a 12 month tarot off ebay - did check her ratings before hand and there all really good so im looking forward to when she gets back to me on it!
i've just phoned and booked - she can see me tomorrow night at 7!! i'm excited, but anxious and nervous too :| when i phoned all she asked was my first name. i said a friend had recommended her, she didn't ask who or anything. i'm being really cynical about this :wall:

i'll update this tomorrow anyway but just incase she mentions anything about future kids - i had a cherri22 prediction a few months back to see if she seen me having any other kids, she said she could see 1 girl, that was it.

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