Who Shook and Where Were You When...

Got mine 2 days before my 22nd birthday. I'd not been feeling right for a week or so and was about a week late, and mentioned it to OH, who suggested a pregnancy test just to rule it out. I remember covering the window up for the 3 minutes and turning it over to see a really dark line! I burst into tears and OH just went 'F*****g hell!' It took us a good few hours to get our heads around it! :D
i was at my parents house, i shook and im afraid i burst into tears (my pregnancy was not planned) i was 6 weeks i'd left it late testing coz had period pains thought i was gonna come on
My BFP wasn't exactly celebrated,understandably (though it was later) but I was in the bathroom at home-I'd been trying to avoid it for so long :lol: and because mum knew their was something wrong,that morning she insisted I take one :lol: but I did a runner down to the beach with the dog for like 2 hours.When I eventually came home & found out I just laughed hysterically. :lol:
I took mine on 9th December 2006 in the morning and i cried for about 30 mins (not planned). I was too scared to tell OH but he was going out with his friends that night so i waited for him to come home drunk :lol: he was very shocked and took a few days to come round.

We was both very happy when it had sunk in though :D
Found out last tuesday or monday, at home with my boyfriend but it was that dark I knew within seconds of doing it that i was pregnant hehe silly thing is the people that know so far all said they were expecting it! :D Because I had the "look".

I have only done the one test because since I done it I have been so ill that I know Im pregnant for certin. Hhehe I cant wait for 12weeks to be over!
I found out in the loo at work!! I was about 12days late with my AF but kept getting Negatives, so was over the moon when I got my BFP! Ran to my desk and called Brian at work and we just laughed with excitement to each other.... that was on a Monday morning.

Then I called for a doc appt on the thursday and on the way there stopped off at Boots and bought 3 more tests and tested in their toilets just to make sure before I went to the docs!
i was going to uni and picked up a two pack of hpt's as i thought i might be, but didn't really take it seriously if you know what i mean? i went to the toilet on a break and thought, i may as well do it now, so done it and put it back in box and went to library and was on the computer, then i remembered i hadn't checked it :roll:

i had a peek in my bag and absolutely freaked out. went into toilet and done another one - another positive :| i phoned my friend and was hysterical i didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

such a strange feeling.
Even though I was ttc I had just come off the pill about 6 weeks before I fell pg. I did one just to eliminate the possibilty before I went back to the drs to complain about irregular periods. (When I was ttcing before I only had a period every few months)

It came up with a BFP even before I had the lid on the stick!! Was so stunned I read and reread the instructions about a zillion times. Then I called OH and told hom he had better go and get another one as this one must be broken. Lol.

When he got back and I had another BFP - again REALLY quickly - we put them on the coffee table and spent the night staring at them. I kept reading the instructions as I was convinced I must be imagining things. Couldn't quite believe something so wonderful was happening to us. OH was SOOO excited and even though I urged caution he called his brother straight away. :cheer:
It was my 20th birthday when i found out, i had thought i was for a couple of weeks but put it to the back of my mind. Then my house mates at uni made me take a test and unbeknown to me they had arranged a surprise party for me. Well anyway i went downstairs and everyone called surprise, i wasnt going to tell them but people were handing me drinks and i was trying to say no thanks with them all going why why. I ended up having to tell them first before my now husband
with my first I was at home in the loo. I had only got the test to rule out a pg as I was waiting for af so i could start my ivf course. So of course when it came up positive I done another, and another, and another...... I remember this one so vividly as we had been trying for so long and on the ivf waiting list. We were watching grosse point blank and I was really grumpy before so when I shouted dh through he thought I was having a strop about something.

with joe I was at home again and thrilled to bits.

With the last pg I was at work. I phoned dh straight away and he came for me at lunchtime.
Jack was unplanned.. was later over xmas but wasn't 100% sure, mainly took the test cos I thought if I stopped stressing period would follow.. was so shocked. called my best friend to tell her first then I called OH and said I think i'm pregnant.. he was like 'you think?' lol
With Aaron I was a few weeks late. We were trying but I didn't think it would happen in the first month of coming off the pill and I kept getting AF cramps so thought I was gonna come on all the time. I got a test and did it in the bathroom at home while my dh was at work. It came up positive and I had to double take :lol: when my dh came home I just nodded at him and he gave me a huge hug :D We were so pleased and shocked!

With this one we were on holiday in Hayling Island! We left to go to the caravan on the day my af was due and it didn't turn up. The next day it hadn't turned up either and we were shopping in Gunwharf so I got a digital test and took it back to the caravan. My dh was hovering around the toilet waiting and then I let him in and showed him and he was beaming! Then he got the camera out and made me take a pic of him holding the positive test haha :D It was still a shock though!
With Jonah, I was in Weathrspoons toilets with my friend....and it was the most exhilerating moment of my life. DH was on the phone waiting for the line to show and I nearly deafened him!! I wanted to tell everyone I met, shout it from the rooftops.... :rotfl: :rotfl:

With Abigail I was at work, we'd been ttc for so long, I was doubtful it was telling the truth....
We were on holiday in Portugal at the time. I had taken loads of tests in the week running up to my period and was getting really faint lines but wasn't sure if I was imagining them..By the time we were due to go on the Sunday I assumed I wasn't as the lines weren't getting any darker (and I wanted to make sure I could drink or not) but packed a couple of cheapies in my case anyway..and a box of tampax. Period was due on the Wednesday and I was so sure I was going to come on..still hadn't by Saturday and what made me test was the fact that I was feeling really sick when drinking concentrated juice. So took a test into the bathroom when we got back to the appartment and it came up positive, took another one and had the same result. A few days later, I spent 10 euros on a chemist test and got the same result.
It was a Sunday night, in late January last year, I was almost 2 weeks late for period and I was feeling sick.

My OH was away in Poland skydiving with friends so I was alone in the house... I texted him saying I felt really queezy but he just said, its prob cos you haven't been eating properly...

He flew home on the Monday afternoon and I took a test on the Monday night.
I screamed when I saw the result and just ran down to my OH in the living room with the biggest grin on my face, he was in total shock then just gave me the biggest hug of my life!!!
I can honestly say that was the happiest Ive ever ever been.
I also, for some reason remember that Traffic Cops was on TV at the time! lol.

I wasn't feeling right, and I never keep an eye on my dates, so thought i was late but wasn't sure how late. We picked up a hpt on way home from work, just to rule it out.....I was shaking!!

I went to do the test, DH started cooking tea, then when it came up BFP I was soooooooo numb, not happy/ upset/ anything, almost like no feeling, other than nervous, my tummy was doing flips. I told DH 'we're pregnant' and he said 'are you sure?' I was like, 'well, this says I am' :shock:

So we sat and had a chat, then I couldn't sleep all night, there was never a question about keeping the baby, but she was unplanned, so we had to think about what we were going to do (business/ life etc).

I got excited once I'd had my dating scan and saw her for the first time :D
My periods have always been irregular so I didn't know I was late and my PG symptoms were the same as my period symptoms, I even bought me tampons!
Then a week went by......then 2 weeks and I knew I should have come on by now and I swear to god the TV was giving me signs!!!!
The night before I did my test I was watching 2 pints of lager and a packet of crisps, the episode where she had the baby and after watching that I kept telling myself to buy a test but I kinda felt a bit silly because I thought I couldn't get pregnant (or so I was told by the doctor)
and then the next morning I did my arch angel oracle cards (just like tarot but not quite) and I asked them if I should do a test and the card said 'you know what to do' so I bought a test, did it in the public loo's because I was to impatient to wait until I got home, came up positive straight away, I fell on the floor in shock and that's my story lol
Mine was friday before last I went to doctors because I thought I had a UTI but test was boarderline and doctor sugested doing a pregnancy test I really thought it was going to be negative and couldnt believe it when he said you beter look at this and there were 2 really strong lines, he then checked the instructions and informed me I was pregnant but had already realised that, we wernt trying and couldnt stop shaking, the doctor made me sit down and said its obviously a huge shock - talk about understatement! I was so scared of telling OH and had to wait 2 hours at work to get chance to talk to him alone - he was NOT happy, but it was a big shock after a few days he came round and were looking forward to it now!!!
With Oliver it was the 8th of may 2005 we had just been to my brothers funeral and i was a week late for my period(i put it down to the stress of everything leading up to my brothers death) but decided to stop at tescos b4 we headed home just to check and as Matt was starting tea i went and tested and it came up BFP!!!!!!

This time around it was the 3rd of september and Matt went out and got a test as i was a few days late so when he came back i went upstairs and done the test but i covered the results window so Matt xould be the 1st one to read it and it was POSITIVE!!!!!! Never thought it would of been twins though!!!!!
My first day in my new role at work (new office), couldn't tell anyone, including my OH for hours!!!! Yes I shook even though it was kind of planned.

With jack it was Frankenstein's bar toilets in Glasgow, the background sound effects didn't help!!!

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