White Noise To Aid Sleep


Nov 19, 2008
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Hi Mummies :wave:

Well I was just wondering who has to use white noise to help their babies off to sleep?

I'm finding that once she's down, even though she's ready for sleep, I'm having to resort to putting my hair dryer on to settle her enough to drop off!

It works like a dream and she's out for the count after a few minutes but I'm worried I'll end up with her not being able to fall asleep any other way!!

Do any of you guys have to resort to these tactics for some peace?!! :)

Do babies find it easier and easier to get to sleep as they get older?! I hope so!!
TBH I'd not worry and carry on using white noise if its what works. As she gets a bit older and you start to play music and have a mobile she'll probably start settling with that going.

White noise is comforting to newborns because its familar to them. Think they spent 9 months inside and heard continuous background noise. It comforts them, while they adjust to the outside world. Nothing wrong with the hairdryer or hoover going if it helps LO settle. My son grew out of it around 12 weeks for daytime naps. Never used it at nighttime anyways. They do grow out of it so don't worry.
I agree - I'm all for doing what comforts her, but I hope she starts to enjoy some music soon! Not sure my poor old hair dryer'll keep going!!
I used a white noise CD since about 3 weeks. It is really helpful. I no longer use it for night time but am still using it for day time naps. I brought it off the internet for two pound and it was money well spent.
Thanks for that - think I should get one! Cheaper than burning out hair dryers or hoovers!
Glad you posted this as i was thinking of trying white noise. ebay have some cheap cd's
nori - you wouldn't believe how magic it is! If your LO is crying, stick the hair dryer on and it's instant calm!! If you didn't dry your hair with a hair dryer while pregnant you could try a vacuum cleaner! I did lots of hoovering while preggers so that works too! :D

Reminds them of being all safe and cosy inside Mummy - bless em
When i was in hospital with ollie screaming there was a lady opposite with a doppler on and you could hear the heartbeat. Ollie immediately calmed down. Mothercare do a barnaby bear which has the sounds of the placenta whooshing but its £35!

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