My inlaws were over from the states the other week and before they left they bought a big box of Pampers nappies. I usually use Huggies and have to problems but since I have been using the Pampers ones each morning Arianna has been waking up soaking wet!
I have tried Asda's own brand and didnt like them either. I have a pack of Boots own but haven't used any of them yet.
Which nappies do you prefer?
S. xx
My inlaws were over from the states the other week and before they left they bought a big box of Pampers nappies. I usually use Huggies and have to problems but since I have been using the Pampers ones each morning Arianna has been waking up soaking wet!
I have tried Asda's own brand and didnt like them either. I have a pack of Boots own but haven't used any of them yet.
Which nappies do you prefer?
S. xx