Which do you like best?


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Hi all,
Our surname is Walker and we have these names for a boy, but cannot decide which.
We both like and agree on the names - Jack and Aiden.
Then I like Oliver, but hubby doesnt like Oli and no matter how hard we try its gona get shortened to Oli.
Then hubby likes Noah, which im just unsure about it, I want to like it.
So just out of insterest which do you guys think is the nicest and why?
Thanks for any help xx
I love Noah but not sure it goes with surname, ditto Oliver which I also love but then I live Olli too! I think Jack goes well and I prefer it over Aidan which I'm not fond of at all.
Thanks Helen. I know what you mean about Noah Walker, its a bit like 'do you know a walker?' x
Yeah! That's exactly why it didn't sound right to me! Lol!
Yes agree with you on Noah Walker, both sounds end in a up sound, so not perfect

I like Aiden or Oliver as best matches for your surname

I married a Jack, not many older ones about, but there are soo many little Jacks, so that's all that would put me off a little bit there.

Aiden Oliver Walker sounds lovely, and Aiden is more unusal for school
I like Aiden a lot, (though traditionally it is Aidan) it's Celtic and means 'fire'

Good strong name
Thanks again ladies. I think im keen on Aiden or Aidan - will have to think about that one. I like the meaning too and that its a little dif without being silly. I love Jack, but I know what youre saying about the army of Jacks haha. I also think Jack Walker sounds 90 odd bless him x
I totally agree. Too many called Jack and it doesnt have as much 'presence' with your surname.

Where as Aiden sounds modern and it's not a dime a dozen yet it's not wierd.
To help me decide, this will sound mad, I put the names I liked in facebook friends search to see how many are on facebook and their ages lol. You could try it. xXx
I agree with most of the rest, Aiden Walker :) Do you have a middle name? x
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To help me decide, this will sound mad, I put the names I liked in facebook friends search to see how many are on facebook and their ages lol. You could try it. xXx

Glad to see someone else did this too! And google !:lol:
Before I read everyone else's comments I was also going to say Aiden Walker.
Too many Jacks, Oliver would definitely get shortened to Oli and personally I'm not a Noah fan it just makes me think of the Ark! x
Thanks girls so much, def thinking of going with Aidan or Aiden Walker. Middle name James we think? Aidan James Walker. I think that sounds nice and hubby then said 'AJ' I like that, oh dear haha.
Good idea to google and facebook them xx
Thanks hun, think that might be the one! At last phew. Good job baby didnt arrive on time, if a boy the poor thing wouldnt have had name. Big thanks to eveyone for their help! xxx
I like the name Jack & Aiden to be honest i like both names i had them as a suggestion when i was pregnant but felt like i couldnt have Jack as a mates baby is called Jack and Aiden i dunno Hubby suggested Tristan so it stuck ever since then x
i would have aiden - jack then surname lol goes really well my other half has already picked a lil boys name hes chosen miles and i dunno what for a girl lol

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